Garden Of The Gods 08/07/20

Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Colorado Springs, Colorado

He who robs his father or mother and says, “It’s not wrong” – he is partner to him who destroys.  ~ Proverbs 28:24

Good morning, Colorado Springs!
That’s Cheyenne Mountain – 9,570′.
There’s a trail to the summit, but everything we’ve read says it’ll take you at least 15 hours round trip.
Some say 17. Yikes! That’s a little long for us, especially if Blaine took me along. . . .

This morning we ate breakfast with five hot air balloons and a bunny while listening to Reveille.  Well, technically Reveille was just before we climbed out of bed, and by the time we actually ate, we could only see three balloons . . . but still . . . it was a fun way to start our day!

Up first on our agenda was driving to WalMart to buy a new battery for the Jeep.  After that, we visited a free Colorado Springs city park called, Garden of the Gods.  Interesting place, but by the time we arrived, it was already packed with people! In fact, we had to wait in line (on tape lines, six feet apart) for people to leave the Visitor Center so we could enter.

The Visitor Center was open for business, with a few exceptions.
They have a theater that remains closed, and a couple of exhibits that are ‘hands-on’ as well.
We found the way the patients are dressed very interesting!
When’s the last time you saw any group of men dressed in suits, let alone patients?
This one sounded interesting, but as you can see, they’ve painter’s taped it closed. : (
You can still stand beside the buffalo though!
On the scenic drive road. It’s also the only way to get around the park, unless you want to walk everywhere.
We were VERY surprised to see a large RV on this narrow, curvy road!
It’s so long, it has a tag axle! Don’t know where they think they’re gonna go . . .
I guess that’s where! It took them forever to turn into this small parking lot. There were no spaces left, and Blaine saw no way out for them, other than to back out into the street. That’ll hold up traffic for awhile! They actually parked in an area on the side of the parking lot that was a ‘no parking’ area.

Our first time driving around the main road loop, we didn’t find any parking.  But the second time, we were able to snag the last spot in the next to last parking lot (after waiting for someone else to back out of the space), which was good because we discovered later that the last lot was packed to overflowing.  We hiked a few miles from where we parked the Jeep to get to the main area of the ‘garden’.  A small percentage of the time, we didn’t see anyone, but most of the time, there were not only other people, but also dogs, horses, trail construction, and a couple of bicycles.  That’s a lot of traffic to maneuver around!  Most of the time, we just walked single-file – because no one else was.

We’ve finally found our parking space, and started out on a trail that’s supposed to eventually take us to the Central Garden Area – the most popular section of the Park. I don’t know how far we walked, but probably a couple of miles before it was all said and done.
That up there is called Siamese Twins.
Wonder what they’ll call this place once that center rock connecting the ‘towers’ falls out? : )
By the way, that’s Pike’s Peak through there.
Moving on towards our goal.
I turned around to take this picture, because when we approached from the other side,
they all looked up at us. : )
We can only assume this means his favorite place was the Central Garden,
because there was nothing to tell us otherwise.
Entering the Central Garden.
We took this picture to help us locate the named rocks, but it wasn’t very helpful.

And there were rock climbers here too!  There was a lot going on at this place!

A climber!
Two military cargo planes flew overhead. Not sure why I only captured one, because they were fairly close together.
If you know what this is, you’re old like us! lol
That must be the largest plague we’ve ever seen!
This is where the ‘Cuckwagon Pavillion’ sign was.
It sure looks nothing like the picture though!
Another climber!
He decided to rest, I guess.
He was just hanging out, swaying on his rope! Scary!
Our final climber. His climb looked scariest of all!
Eventually, he made it to the top of the rock, but we couldn’t see him well, from where were were at that time.
It’s luring us too! One of our planned trips in the next two weeks!
Something else new . . . These girls and their pack horse were cleaning up the trails.
The final stop within the Park, but we didn’t.
It’s called Balanced Rock, and this is where the parking lot, and people, were overflowing!
I took this out the window as we drove by. We’ve seen much better ones, anyway.

We left, having seen enough, and returned home, where Blaine installed the battery.  Now we’re good as new!

New pictures! Harper, Cooper and Kade
How’d we end up with three blue-eyed, blonde grandkids?
Cooper started out as a redhead, but it seems that’s all but gone now.
His father used to pose the exact same way for pictures at that age. lol
Can’t wait to get home and squeeze ’em all!!
Tonight’s sunset, brought to you by our Heavenly Father!
Fire on the mountain!
Isn’t it lovely?!?
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