One Night Stands 08/11/20

Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand it fully.  ~ Proverbs 28:5

There’s a doe who visits the rocky area between sites across the street from us.  She appears seemingly from nowhere nearly every morning and most evenings.  Nice!

While I played around on the computer (see below), Blaine was busy working.  Today’s main project?  Cleaning out the ceiling vents.  Normally, we do that once a year, but we’ve had to use our air conditioning nearly every day for months now, so they were in dire need!  He does so much around here, I’ve decided that if we are ever in dire straits, I’m hiring him out as a domestic.  😊

See that gray stuff on the black filters?
That’s dust and dirt!

This afternoon, we took a walk around each of the campground loops, this partly for exercise, but partly to see if there were any better sites to keep in mind should we return some day.  Turns out, our site and the one next door are by far the best in the entire Park!  Blaine did an excellent job choosing!  But we’ve discovered that no one stays more than one night next door.  So very strange.  It’s not something we said, since we’ve not spoken to any of them, so it must be something we did . . .  Whatever the reason, we’re really glad Blaine chose this site!  We’d hate to have to move after just one night!  😊

A few views from our walk.

So.  Since today was a slow day, I thought I’d get a jump on things and so I wrote the following based on the information I had at the time:

It’s pretty certain that we won’t be making the trip to the top of Pike’s Peak like we’d planned.  Driving the 19 miles to the top was on Blaine’s bucket list for this trip.  ☹

It was questionable to start with, once we discovered that we’d have to pay $30 for the privilege, but then we learned that due to some major renovation projects, we couldn’t even drive to the top.  You have to take their free shuttle service from either mile 13 or 16 (the summit’s at 19). 

But there’s 2 very large fires burning to the west of us in Colorado (one near grand Junction where we were a few weeks ago.), and the heat and wind conditions are causing the smoke from the fires to severely limit visibility (remember the picture from yesterday?), and according to the news, there’s not much chance of that changing – – at least not while we’re here. 

So since today’s a fairly slow day, here’s some information and pictures I would’ve shared, had we climbed to the summit.  It won’t really matter, since I always share this stuff anyway.  We’ll just pretend like we’ve already gone!

I can now tell you that tomorrow we will ascend to the heights of “America’s Mountain.”  So all the research and pictures I found, I’ll save for tomorrow, when it will be more appropriate.  😊

And hopefully, I learned a lesson. 

Don’t try to predict the future!  Lol!

I’d like to end the day with a laugh.  Someone at our National Park Service obviously has a wonderful sense of humor!  Read and enjoy!

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