Panther Creek State Park, Morristown, Tennessee
As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. ~ Ecclesiastes 11:5
Uphill both ways. Really and truly. That’s what our 1.5 mile, turned 3-mile hike, ended up being today. But it was sooo gorgeous, it was worth every step!
But that was this afternoon.
I spent the morning in a laundromat. There was no one else around, and there were signs up that indicated it was run by Christians, but I guess, while they’ve heard of I John 1:9 and Luke 6:31, it would seem they’ve never heard that cleanliness is next to godliness. I know that’s not scripture, but I think it’s inferred, isn’t it?? The Old Testament speaks of washing a LOT.
Gross!! I didn’t use this one. The rest were dirty on the outside, but clean on the inside at least.
But what choice did we have? It was either do our six loads here, or eight – one at a time – at the campground. 2 ½ hours at the laundromat? Or at least twice that at the campground, walking up and down a hill every 20-30 minutes? Which would you choose? In addition, I would be preventing anyone else from using the facilities. Not nice!
I used a lot of hand sanitizer today. Maybe I was being a bit paranoid, but in a place like this, I figured better safe than sorry.
This was looking out the dirty windows of the laundromat.
At least the clothes were clean when we left. 😊
Meanwhile, Blaine ran a few errands and did our grocery shopping.
We hiked after lunch. What a stupendous day for that! And the views were incredible!
There were a lot of trees down, and some were twisted off.
except for the volume of trees (many more here) and the size of the leaves (much smaller),
but Blaine took out his phone and opened up his trusty app,
and we discovered these are actually Pawpaw trees!
We walked down quite a ways to get here.
Now we get to walk back up!
Some of is stones were more like rocks. : )
and coupled with this extra weight I kept picking up,
it was kinda tiring! : )
It’s not far from our campground, and still within the Park boundary.
but wondered how they decided what to put on the board
from entries covering nine years?
A minute (mine-oot) look at God’s splendor displayed!
but if you look past that, there’s some interesting information and great pictures!
Given the choice, would he choose to spend the next 20 years in this small confined area,
or would he choose to take his chances in the wild?
And no, I’m not a “Free Willy” kind of person. I just wonder.
Thus ends another day.