From Nice To Not So Much 06/17/21

Fisherman’s Corner Army Core of Engineers, East Moline, Illinois

Before he had finished prayer, Rebekah came out with her jar on her shoulder.  She was the daughter of  . . . Abraham’s brother Nahor.  ….The servant hurried to meet her and said, “Please give me a little water from your jar.”  “Drink, my lord,” …. After she had given him a drink, she said, “I’ll draw water for your camels too, until they have finished drinking.” …. (the servant said) “Please tell me, is there room in your father’s house for us to spend the night?”  … “We have plenty of straw and fodder, as well as room for you to spend the night.” ~ Genesis 24:15-25        The Lord heard the servant’s prayer (and most likely all of Abraham’s about finding a wife for Isaac), and not only heard it, but already had the answer on its way!  He does the same for us.  Praise to our sovereign God!  How wonderful when our requests line up with God’s plans!

We left our lovely site in Illinois a little early today in order to get set up at the next place before the afternoon temperature roasted us. 

There sure were a lot of driving directions today – – she said sarcastically – – hop onto I-80, drive 138 miles, then hop off I-80.  That’s it!  The drive was uneventful, with the slight exception of a fuel stop along the way.  There were lots and lots of farms – corn, soy beans and windmills galore.  And because the roads were bumpy (not ‘milkshake’ bumpy, but still . . .) I was unable to work on the blog during our 2 ½ hour drive.

The picture just doesn’t do it justice – seeing these things up close in pretty awesome!
Did you notice the name of the town on the bottom? lol
It’s imperative that that one gets looked up!
They don’t tell you here, but the saying was also something
they said in England ‘back in the day’ as a form of greeting.
Loved the back of this truck!
Oh my . . . . That’s our campground . . . .

Kellogg RV Park, Kellogg, Iowa

It’s quite the unusual place Blaine found for our next week.  We’re really close to I-80, there’s a truck stop and “restaurant” that advertises they have the “best burgers in Iowa”.  Guess we’ll have to test that claim at some point.

Anyway, we had to park alongside the campground road and walk into the restaurant/truck stop to check in.

It wasn’t quite this hot when we arrived, but that was only an hour earlier.
It’s good they have good electric service, because everyone’s air was cranked up today!

And I’m happy to say, that the noise level isn’t as bad as you’d think.  Whew!

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