Pay Close Attention!     01/11/22

Grayton Beach State Park, Santa Rosa Beach, Florida

As they sat down to eat their meal, they looked up and saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead…they were on their way…to Egypt.  Judah said to his brothers, “What will we gain if we kill our brother and cover up his blood?  Come, let’s sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay our hands on him; after all, he is our brother, our own flesh and blood.  His brothers agreed. ~ Genesis 37:26-27     Have you ever considered the fact that Joseph was a victim of human trafficking?  He was kept captive and sold to someone to be used however they saw fit.  And somehow, Judah and the others felt this would absolve themselves of guilt.  Guilt is not assuaged simply because we pass the buck.  If this is how they treat their brother, how do they feel about those outside the family?  And did you notice who they sold him to?  The Ishmaelites.  Remember Ishmael, the first son born to Abraham (and founder of Muslims) because he took matters into his own hands after tiring of waiting for God to bless him with Isaac?  And notice how Judah has stepped up to be the leader. 

File:Joseph Sold by His Brothers.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Other than biking into town to mail our grandson’s birthday card, and then walking the beach, there wasn’t anything to report for Tuesday.  Except for the exceptional fish tacos we had for dinner.  I have to tell you about them because #1, Blaine took pictures and #2, there’s a story to tell.

But first, the beach.

This is the tiny PO in the community of Seaside.
Isn’t it cute?
The water today was super clear!
And the coastline was quite a bit larger as well.
No wind to push the waves up on the sand.
We made it to the river again.
It too, looks different every time we come here. : )
The magic of photography. : )
That dune is only a couple of inches high.
The sand looks like drifted snow banks today!
That’s Blaine out there.
Same place, but I took this one as a panoramic view.
Doesn’t it look like a huge desert?
Blaine took a picture of me as well. : )
This was along the road back home.
I think it’s called a Painted Indian? Or Indian Blanket?
Something like that.

So here’s the story you’ve all been waiting for – –

We went to Publix the other day and, amongst other things, purchased our fish for fish tacos.  I’ve used tilapia in the past, but their pieces were pretty thin. $6.99/pound. (It’s important to know the price, trust me.)  Then I spotted this other fish in the display with a sign that said $7.99.  It was cut into pieces about 8” long, but was about an inch or so thick – perfect for chunking! It was one we’d never heard of – Covina or something like that.  The guy working the case said it was a nice firm fish with a real mild flavor. He was really nice and very helpful. I wanted a pound, so he gave us three pieces, and off we went.

And then we got home and Blaine was looking over the receipt and low and behold, it said we paid $24 for our three pieces of fish!  What?!?!?  So I called the store and was told (by the same guy) that it was labeled “Special” and so it was sold BY THE PIECE for that $7.99!!  Are you kidding me?!?!?  They never do that back in Ohio!  So now we’ve learned our lesson to always ask if the prices are per pound!  (by the way, the tilapia WAS by the pound)

At least our $24/pound fish tacos were yummy.  Good grief!!

Recipe below. 

As I’ve mentioned before, every day at this beach was different, and today was no exception.  I think it was the brilliant blue sky, and lack of wind!

Tomorrow we move!  What a blessing the past two weeks have been! 

Fish Taco Ingredients:

  • 2 large flatbreads, or 4 small ones
  • 1 lb tilapia
  • 1/4 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp black pepper
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp Butter

Fish Taco Toppings:

  • shredded cabbage
  • 1 medium avocado sliced (optional)
  • 1 roma tomatoes diced
  • ¼ C. diced red onion
  • 2 T. Cilantro, chopped
  • 1 C. shredded mozzarella/cheddar mix

Fish Taco Sauce Ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1/3 cup Miracle Whip and Helmann’s (equal parts)
  • 1 Tbsp lime juice from 1 lime (or bottled juice)
  • 1 tsp  garlic powder
  • 1 tsp Sriracha sauce or other hot sauce (Chipotle Cholula)


  1. Line large baking sheet with parchment or silicone liner. In a small dish, combine seasonings: 1/2 tsp cumin, 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper, 1 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp black pepper and evenly sprinkle seasoning mix over both sides of tilapia.
  2. Lightly drizzle fish with olive oil and dot each piece with butter. Bake at 375 for 20-25 min. To brown edges, broil for 3-5 minutes at the end if desired.
  3. Combine all Taco sauce ingredients in a medium bowl and whisk until well blended.
  4. To serve the tacos, quickly toast the corn tortillas on a large dry skillet or griddle over medium/high heat.  Or microwave the flat bread.

HINT:  I love using flat bread, Blaine sometimes prefers wheat Tostitos Scoops and puts his ingredients in a bowl. 

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