At Great Peril     01/16/22

Gulf State Park, Gulf Shores, Alabama

There Judah met the daughter of a Canaanite man named Shua.  He married her and lay with her; she became pregnant and gave birth to a son, who was named Er. She conceived again and gave birth to a son and named him Onan.  She gave birth to still another son and named him Shelah.  It was at Kezib that she gave birth to him. ~ Genesis 38:2-5   It seems there should be some significance to the third son’s birthplace since it’s specifically mentioned, but I don’t know what it is.  I still find myself wondering why Judah left his family.  Was it over guilt about Joseph?  Did he assume that the headship of the family would be passed on to one of his three older brothers, which would leave him with virtually nothing so he had to make his own fortune?  Or was he lured to the world?  I don’t know.  What events or circumstances or thoughts or decisions lead you away from your family?  Your God?

What is Genesis About? The Big Idea that Cleared it Up for Me - Pete Enns
Good morning, again, Gulf Shores!
Today was better because the heavy clouds were hiding the brilliant sunlight. : )
Look at the wind!

Let’s begin today with a few laughs!  I received these from Blaine’s sister-in-law, Donna.  She’s hysterical in person, so I always know when an email from here shows up in my mailbox, I’m gonna laugh. 

I think this is an excellent idea!! : )
We did a lot of other brave things, too.
Like actually visit with people in person!
I knew plenty of those – as a child, and as an adult!
This one’s my favorite! LOL!

The system that dumped a foot or more of snow on our friends and family in Ohio, visited us the day before – just in a different form.

Gale force winds, and continually dropping temperatures that toyed with 40⁰!

And in the midst of that, we decided to go out and experience it at the pier; wearing all the warm clothes we could come up with.  Please note – – the following pictures were taken at great peril.  Not only was there the constant reminder that we could be blown right over the rails and into the raging sea, there was the bitter cold the high winds brought with it.  And don’t forget – – in order to take pictures, you have to use bare hands.

Here we go!!
These people, whomever they were, must enjoy being sand-blasted!
It was whipping all around, as you can see by the covered tire tracks.
They seemed to be digging a hole . . .
Yes! It’s freezing when the wind blows!
And it blew almost constantly!
It really was a strong wind to make me walk bent over!
Coat and pants glued to my skin and hair flying around!
Good thing our shoes have great traction!
An accidental selfie.
I see no reason to take pictures of myself.
Sorry, world!
These three pictures show a single wave coming under the pier!
If you scroll fast, you can see the wave coming in!
The sound of the crashing waves was deafening!
And this is just a wind storm.
Imagine when the real things (like hurricanes!) come in!
Believe it or not, the sun peeked out and the wind stopped – – just for a minute. : )

But what an amazing opportunity to experience a very small reminder of how powerful our Creator God is!  We felt very blessed!  And enjoyed ourselves immensely, despite a few frozen fingers.

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