Bull Run Campground, Centerville, Virginia
So Joseph settled his father and his brothers in Egypt and gave them property in the best part of the land, the district of Rameses, as Pharaoh directed. Joseph also provided (them) with food, according to the number of their children. ~ Genesis 47:11-12 A few days ago, we learned that, according to Joseph’s suggestion, Pharaoh ordered the best land in the nation (Goshen) be given to Joseph’s family. I spent quite a bit of time trying to see precisely where the land of Goshen was. I found nothing definitive, other than it seems to be along the right side of the fertile green triangle on the map. Being related to royalty – royalty earned rather than blood – has its privileges. And now, God has them exactly where He wants them for the next 400 years. This was surely a bit difficult for Jacob, knowing that God had promised the land of Canaan to his descendants. I imagine he believed they would only be there until the famine was over. Has God ever put you in a place you didn’t think you were supposed to be in? We have the privilege of being able to look roughly a thousand years ahead thanks to Scripture, but Jacob only knew what God chose to share with him. How much more difficult it must have been to trust Him back then! So why do we have so much trouble now?
I have no idea what we did Tuesday. Probably as little as possible after our busy week. A sure sign we’re getting old! Say it isn’t so!!!
Then Wednesday we moved 151 miles away in considerably less time than when we moved last time – just three hours.
Once we commence to packing up, one of our tasks is to remove those orange blocks from under the jacks. Normally, that’s a non-mentionable thing, but not so today, because today it was not an enjoyable task, nor even a mundane one. Today was fraught with peril as I had to dispense with an array of creepy crawlies! An assortment of spiders, worms beginning to nest (no. not caterpillars. worms!), beetles and some kind of pale green cricket-type bug. All of that within the confines of those orange blocks! I guess that’s the price you pay for lodging on the edge of the woods. Good grief!
At least our drive was pretty mundane this time – just overcast with a few spits of rain here and there.
American Heritage RV Park, Williamsburg, Virginia
Tomorrow we’ll begin checking out “America’s Historic Triangle” – Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown.