Mohican State Park, Loudonville, Ohio
I, Daniel, was the only one who saw the vision; the men with me did not see it, but such terror overwhelmed them that they fled and hid themselves. So I was left alone, gazing at this great vision; I had no strength left, my face turned deathly pale and I was helpless. ~Daniel 10:7-8 I would seem, and rightly so, that those who’ve encountered angels of God, are overcome with fear. The power is so evident that even those not privileged to hear the words, still feel it. Daniel’s companions, whomever they were, ran and hid. And even though Daniel had encountered Gabriel in the past, he never allowed himself to become prideful and take this heavenly being for granted. We would do well to humble ourselves before our God as well, as we often take Him for granted and consider him only a God of unconditional Love, but forget He rules even our every breath.
Rich and Martha came to our place for a few rain-drenching hours. About an hour before check-in at the cabin, we traveled to the cabin (which is actually a house that supposedly sleeps 16), the final leg of which was over a mud and gravel road. Our vehicles were covered in mud!
The four of us took a short walk around the grounds, which sounds inconsequential to mention except for what happened during that walk.
There’s a very small cabin on the property that sits beside a small pond and canoes you can borrow. So, Rich, Martha and I were walking away from the cabin when we heard a thud! Blaine had slipped on the ‘algae- covered’ steps and not only fell on his back and side, but thwacked his head as well! Of course, we all rushed over to check on him because he fell really hard! He hit right behind his ear. We were so grateful the injury wasn’t nearly as bad as it could’ve been! There was no broken skin and no lump, and the hot tub relaxed his stiff muscles. It’s also beneficial to have a doctor in the house!
The next day, we hiked 3-4 miles and biked for 9. It was a cool, but lovely day! After dinner, we thought to swim in the indoor pool, but it turned out to be quite chilly at 84⁰. It’s heated from a wood-burning hot water heater out in the yard, so there was no way to warm it up. It would take forever! Forced us back into the hot tub.
Friday morning, we went our separate ways – they back to Ohio, and us to West Virginia – a 301-mile trip. We arrived later in the day than any move in our history. The trip was uneventful until near the end when we were delayed by a 45-minute back up, and people began driving crazy trying to get ahead. It seems the delay was caused by a car broken down in the right lane. Why they didn’t move off the road is anyone’s guess. There was certainly plenty of room.
Took these right before we left. The owners have these saddle seats, so we pulled them in front of the TV and ‘watched’ a Western. 😊
Back when our kids were growing up, we had to drive through Charleston, WVA on our way to the beach house we rented annually, and every year, we drove by these large brick buildings that had “KYLE” in large white letters. We dubbed it “Kyle Town” after our younger son. Sadly, Kyle Town is no more . . . : (
Camp Creek State Park, Camp Creek, West Virginia
It’s nice here, and we’re backed up to a small, gurgling stream. Too bad it’s too cold to open our windows and listen to it. ☹