Pine Ridge Campground, Roebuck, South Carolina
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. ~ Matthew 5:9 Did you know that this is the only place in all of scripture where the word ‘peacemakers’ is used? It’s an adjective describing a person who strives to live at peace with all men, rather than in disagreement or anger or unforgiveness. It is a sign, a verification if you will, that we have become/are children of God, “because God has poured out His Love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, Whom He has given us.” (Romans 5:5b) If we live in this way, we will be obviously different from the world. There’s an old Christian song with a chorus that says, “They’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love. Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.” It’s not easy in this world that somehow captures us in the folds of its anger and malice toward others. But God would have us persevere and not fall into the evil one’s seduction. Stand strong, and show Love. Be brave and strong enough for the world to call us sons of God.
At 298 miles, today was the longest drive Blaine’s had since last October. Can you believe that?
Not only was it long for him, but it was pretty rough as well. It was windy and there seemed to be a lot of construction. A wide-load semi decided to pass us while we were in a narrow concrete barricaded work zone, which left us with nowhere to go to get out of his way. His load even hung over the left barricade into the oncoming traffic!
Of course, there were also the cars that always try to squeeze in front of us from their lanes or on-ramps.
We had a fairly lengthy slow-down as soon as we reached I-77. Why? No particular reason except that someone in North Carolina had the bright idea to squeeze everyone into two lanes instead of the four they’ve always had. What happened to the other two lanes? They made them into ‘toll road’ express lanes! Only cars and straight trucks allowed, and you have to pay tolls every so often. Crazy! And very few people were using it. Of course, that also means that if you’re in the express lanes and come to your exit, you have to get into the other regular lanes. Now wonder traffic was so slow! In case you’re wondering, it was near Charlotte.
Blaine had the pedal to the metal in the Virginia mountains and was doing well, until a semi-truck driver decided it was more important to play with his phone than stay in his lane. It forced Blaine to slow way down to avoid the possible collision – and to lay on his horn. The guy seemed oblivious to what he was doing.
Little Beaver State Park, Beaver, West Virginia
We managed to arrive in one piece and that’s always a great thing! We didn’t realize it, but we actually stayed here four years ago. It guess it’s just all a blur now, even for Blaine. 😊
It’s supposed to be pretty cool (cold!) while we’re here. It might even snow!