Bathing Ritual     8/28/18

Campers Cove RV Park, Alpena, Michigan

Consider the ravens:  They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them.  And how much more valuable you are than birds!  Luke 12:24


I don’t know about you, but I prefer to shower at the end of the day.  You know, wash off the day’s grime and climb into a clean bed.  But some prefer to begin their day clean.

Like geese for example.

This week, we’ve been privileged to enjoy the morning bathing ritual of Canada geese.

We start our morning with no geese in sight, but before too long, they begin arriving, coasting across the water in single file to the day’s designated bathing area.  Who chooses it?  One of them must, because it’s been different each morning.

They sit for a moment until one decides it’s time to begin and starts flapping its wings.

Next, they all go skidding across the water flapping furiously, but not taking flight. (like the swan we saw yesterday)

Once they stop, the diving begins.  They disappear for several seconds at a time, sometimes actually doing flips over and over! I’d love to be underwater to see what they’re doing under there!

Rinse and repeat.

Eventually, they all end up on land and the preening begins.

Rinse and repeat.  As many times as necessary to get all gussied up for the day.

It’s really hard to catch geese in the process of bathing.
I snapped a bunch of pictures, but these are the best two. : (


Ah, the life of retirement . . . .

My advice?  Don’t just stop and smell the roses (remember Mac Davis???) , stop and watch the geese in the morning.  It’ll start your day with a laugh, or bare minimum, a guaranteed smile!  😊

Today we moved a bit further south and began our trek toward Michigan’s western shore.  And I just realized something – – by the time we return home to Ohio on September 29th, we will have visited four of the five Great Lakes this trip!  Woohoo!!


Another short drive today, as we traveled 97 miles in two hours.  It was another windy day, but not as difficult to drive in as Blaine was anticipating, because for most of it, the road was sided by tall trees blocking the wind.

They have a lot of street lights like this in Michigan.

If that doesn’t make you smile, I don’t know what would! : ) : ) : )

The small town of Comins


Loranger Pines RV Park, West Branch, Michigan

We are now situated about 40 miles west of Lake Huron.  And we still have tall trees on either end to protect us.  😊

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