O’leno State Park, High Springs, Florida
Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character. ~ I Corinthians 15:33
It took me a bit to remember how we spent our time today, because there are hardly any pictures. That’s because it wasn’t a very exciting day.
Laundry and groceries. That’s it.
Except that Blaine went on a long bike ride by himself after dinner. I suppose I should’ve gone after eating such a large dinner (steak, potato and salad), but I just didn’t feel like it. So I didn’t.
But at 7pm, we joined our neighbors around their campfire for three hours! Blaine had spoken to them earlier today and they invited us over “from 7 to 9”. Well, no one had a watch or a phone and we just yakked and yakked. We had a lot in common with Ron and Danielle, despite the fact that we’re from two different countries. They’re Canadian and retired and have two sons, and a blog, etc. We even exchanged business cards 😊. Theirs is www.saumure.ca/blog if you want to check it out sometime. It was a nice visit – except for whatever it was that bit up my ankles. I thought I felt something, but other than occasional swiping, I ignored it. I’m sure I’ll pay for that for the next few days. Oh well. The price of camping, right?
Enjoy this very short blog post! 😊