VBS And Mission Trips 04/07/19

Reed Bingham State Park, Adel, Georgia

If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. ~  John 15:7

It turned out to be a sad worship service today at First Baptist.  We felt something strange from the moment we arrived.  Can’t explain it, other than to say maybe it was the Holy Spirit grieving in all of us.  The worship music was upbeat and wonderful.  The Pastor (who’s been there six years), christened a toddler.  But even this was a bit off, because he mentioned that the family had called him Saturday night to ask if he’d perform the service today.  Who does that?  And why?

Then it was time for the message.  I began taking notes, but it was essentially a “Thank You” to the congregation from the Pastor.  And then, it all became clear when he mentioned that some members of their Board had questioned his integrity and that of his wife and other men in the church.  He read a resignation letter, stating that rather than stay and have the distension continue, he decided to leave.  People were crying.  Their body language was slumped.  They had an altar call (which I’m sure was their norm) and several went to their knees. 

We walked out without speaking to anyone.  But as we walked back down the street to the Jeep, we talked about how heavy-hearted we both felt for this church.  We prayed for them. Major church issues are always difficult on congregations and not good for bringing in new believers – which is the purpose of the church. . . to encourage each other and those outside the church, to join us in worshiping the Father.

So, the message today will be another excerpt from my God Moments journal.

   After church one day, Marlene Richards walked up to me.  At that time, she was head of the Christian Education Board.  She was also instrumental in teaching me over the years, including teaching me how to teach, as I learned from her by sitting in on her classes.  Anyway, she came up and made the statement, “I don’t know who we’re going to get to direct VBS this year.”  Immediately, and I mean immediately, the following words came out of my mouth, “I’ll do it – as long as I have help.  I won’t do it all by myself as directors have in the past.”  I was, to say the least, absolutely stunned!  I had no more been thinking about directing VBS than robbing a bank surrounded by top-notch sharp-shooters!  I even thought to myself, “Who said that?”  She later told me that she had been praying that morning during church for God to show her who He wanted to direct.  Every time she opened her eyes, the only person she saw in the sanctuary was me.  Great story! 

   Well, long story very short, I directed for the last four years we attended Springfield Baptist.  And most of those years, I had more help than I could use, and every year I was never short on help.  Never once, did anyone let me down.  Every single person did their job and did it well, every single year.  I was so blessed!  And I received the best compliment I think I’ve ever received in my life.  That first year, Sharon Mason said to me, “I wasn’t going to help this year” (an unbelievable statement coming from her because she always helped with everything related to kids!) “but as soon as I heard that you were directing, I decided I would.”

   Also during our time at Springfield Baptist, Blaine was called to go on a foreign mission trip to Guatemala.  It was a specialized team of electricians going down for a particular job at the Guatemala Bible Seminary in Chimaltenango, Guatemala.  When he came back, he told me how he felt called to take a team back down there.  I prayed and prayed and prayed, but never once felt called to go.  But I worked alongside Blaine and we ended up taking a team of 17!  I enjoyed the work of organizing and I really enjoyed meeting and spending time with Allan Graham.  He was the missionary who actually planned the trip.  The trip itself was frustrating and unfulfilling for me (for reasons I’ll not go into), but I believe that God still had a plan. In the end, on the last night, I received a letter from one of the Guatemalan cooks at the seminary.  I had never even attempted to speak to this woman other than smiling and saying “O-la!” (hello).  But yet, she wrote me a letter (in Spanish) telling me how that small gesture had made her feel better.  Everyone else on the team had a life-changing experience and so, I’m very grateful for my part in that.  But I’m definitely not called to foreign missions as Blaine so obviously is.  I don’t know how this will play out in our future, but I certainly don’t want to hold him back – and I don’t want to go.  I’m definitely leaving this one in God’s hands to work out!

ADDENDUM:  Since this was written, Blaine’s been on two more trips – one to Ecuador and one to Haiti.  I joined him again in Ecuador, and had a much better experience, but I still don’t feel called to foreign missions.  Who knows.  God could change that one day. 😊

About the time we returned from church, we discovered one of “our” gopher tortoises trying to make a break for it.  We watched him wander a long way in a short time, all the way over to the other camping loop.  We don’t know where he went from there, but since I’m about 5 days behind in posting, I can tell you, we’ve not seen hide nor hare (hardy-har-har!) of him since this afternoon. Maybe he got fed up with all the activity and noise and went searching for quieter ground.  😊

This is the one by our back window.
We’ve never seen him out this far before. Must’ve been hungry.

And he’s off!

This one seems to be sticking around. He’s just hungry. : )

Remember those jiggling band exercise machines from the 50’s and 60’s?   Remember how they were supposed to aid in weight loss?

Anyone over the age of 35 remembers the vibrating belt, as just about all of their grandmothers owned one, not to mention Boss Hog from “The Dukes of Hazard” used one regularly on the show! While most of us seem to think these funny belt machines were developed in the 1950’s, they actually first appeared in the 1920’s but somehow managed to remain quite popular all the way through to the 1970’s! The obvious concept was to vibrate away unsightly cellulite and fat. Did it work? We tend to think not! Although it must have had some sort of appeal to last for so many decades, a mystery indeed! These belts were featured on a number of 1950’s shows like “I Love Lucy” and were most popular during the end of World War II when the women wanted to get in shape for their men returning stateside!  ~ lifeaura.com

And my, my how exercise clothing design has changed!
I don’t know what year this was, but it’s an ad from JC Penny!
Wonder what will make the next generation smile about us?
Besides 80’s hairstyles, of course. : )

Well, riding a bicycle on these trails today must have felt just like that!  We surely lost multiple pounds today!  Of course, all that jiggling is not conducive to picture taking.  And you could probably put me on the same trail and I wouldn’t recognize it because my afternoon looked mostly like this – –

: )
We spotted this guy off the side of the road during our ride.
He was also eating. Maybe it’s a Sunday afternoon thing. : )
He looks pretty small from up here.
But get down closer to his level . . . .
. . . and he’s pretty good sized! Notice that plate under his head?
We’ve never been close enough to one to notice it before.
That plate is called a gular horn. It’s used to flip male competitors when they fight.
Sorry, can’t picture that . . . : )
NOW that trail’s officially closed! haha!
Someone must’ve told on us. : )
Waay over there, across the valley, is where we put in our kayak the other day.

But as of this afternoon, we’ve officially been on every trail in the Park.

Canoe trail?  Check!

Little River Trail? Check, three times!

Turkey Oak Trail?  Pitcher Plant Path?  Upland Connector?  Check!  Check!  Check!

Gopher Tortoise Bike Loop?  Yearling Trail?  Red Roberts Loop?  Check those off too!

And even the closed Birdwalk Trail!  Twice.

And the reward?  Nothing but a few leftovers for dinner.  ☹  We didn’t even get any cookies!  Pout . . .

I’m thinking strawberry shortcake for dessert tonight! 😊

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