Breakfast On The House 01/04/20

Frog City RV Park, Duson, Louisiana

Before his downfall a man’s heart is proud, but humility comes before honor.  ~ Proverbs 18:12

We were contemplating a visit to a retired oil rig today – – an hour-and-a-half away, but I uncovered another one at our next stop in Galveston that’s minutes away, so we decided we’ll wait until next week to check it out.

So what to do with our day today?

We began by sharing a campground-sponsored breakfast with 6 other campers, but actually only talked with the two we shared a table with – Duane and Mary – fellow believers!  The food was wonderful!  The campground provided everything except a drink other than coffee – fresh scrambled eggs, sausage links, biscuits and sausage gravy (Which was so good I had two helpings!  Can you say, ‘glutton’??), and a French toast casserole.  How nice of the campground to do that for us!

Then we headed over to Acadian Culture Center which is actually a National Park.  There wasn’t a lot there, but they had a 30-minute movie about the trials and tribulations of the Acadians, which put to mind the persecution of the Jews, and also a small museum.  There was a very nice and knowledgeable Ranger named William working today.

This was in the parking lot at the Cultural Center!
Never thought we’d see catus growing in the Louisiana Bayou!
Thought catus needed dry??
A variety of Cajun (Acadian) instruments
This one was the most interesting! : )
Wonder what it sounds like?
A variety of food stuffs that are common in their pantries.
This picture reminded us of the Celtic Ceilidhs in Nova Scotia, etc.
No surprise, since that’s where the Acadians (although French) originiated from.
I was searching for information on Nutria in the museum
because I know that they are (or were) a big deal to the Cajuns.
I finally found it on a ‘touch table’. : ) Very soft!

After about an hour there, it was time to put in some exercise (We are sooo out of shape! Ugh!), so we returned to the Park we visited before we went home for Christmas.  But first, a detour. We were driving along, when we came to another trail we didn’t know about, so we walked there first. : )

There’s this mound with a tree growing on top of it.
Looked strange when surrounded by flat land . . . .
We came to a fence, and thought we might be done, but the trail ran alongside it.
The fence was to mark off Lafayette airport property – the same one we flew out and in from.
Just some weed along the trail that photographed pretty well. : )

Because of all the rain we had the past few days, the trails were pretty wet, but we had the foresight to put on our hiking boots, so we were fine – and we got in about 12,000 steps!

The trailhead was across the soccer fields.
Good thing there were no games today! : )
Since we’re back on the same trails we were on at the beginning of December,
we didn’t take many pictures.
Trust me. This looked MUCH worse in person! So much trash in the river!
Hopefully, someone will come and clean it up soon. . . .
By the way – – this wasn’t here earlier in the month.
Much of the trail today was water logged.
But since we were wearing boots, we managed to skirt it.
Whatever this fungus is, it’s really soft!
Reminded me of the feel of Lambs Ears that people grow in their yards back in Ohio.
I have no idea what I’m doing, but I can assure you, it’s not what it looks like. hahaha
That’s our trail . . . .

Back home, we tackled laundry and other mundane but necessary chores, before we ended our day with a rousing two hours of Bingo!

Not having played Bingo in forever, we loved all these patterns of play!
The only other couple that was there, play all the time.
They said the hall where they go puts the pattern up on a large board.
I couldn’t fit everyone in one picture, and this one’s not too good, but that’s Bill and Beverly. You could tell they were “professional” Bingo players – – especially when between the two of them, they won the first 5 games! lol We were all surprised that no one else joined us this evening. The campground is almost full . . . .
That’s Mary and Duane. They were the callers tonight.
They told us the campground just hired them part-time through April.
They’ll do a great job!
Here’s our winnings! A pot holder with a jambalya recipe, dish soap, a kitchen towel (which just happens to match our coach colors!), and three alligator key rings.
(Shhhh . . . we’ll mail those to Chris’ boys)
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