E-bikes 01/09/20

Galveston Island State Park, Galveston, Texas

The highway of the upright avoids evil; he who guards his way guards his life.  ~ Proverbs 16:17

Once again behind, I opted to stay home and work on my blog posts while Blaine took off on his bike to get some exercise and fresh air. 

He was able to capture three types of birds in this picture!
An Egret, a flock of Ibis, and a small gathering of Roseate Spoonbills!
Aren’t the Spoonbills beautiful!
Much like flamingos, they get their pink color from eating shrimp. : )
Is that a crab in his beak? Or grass?
Blaine did great getting close-ups of Herons this morning.
Leads me to wonder – – maybe it’s me they fly away squawking from . . .
Blaine even stopped to smell the flowers along the way!
He’s learned a lot in 2 1/2 years of traveling with me. : )

On his way home, he stopped to join the party gathering at the neighbors, where it seemed several people from the campground were accepting the Eyre’s invitation to test ride their e-bikes (electric bike).  I noticed Blaine coming around the bend and snapped a picture of him – not pedaling, but still going quite fast.  Eventually, with a specific invitation from Blaine, I left the confines of my laptop and joined the party as well.  And took a test drive myself.  I wasn’t sold on the idea.  Fifteen-hundred-dollar price tag aside.  There’s no exercise value and I felt out of control as it sped around the loop without my assistance.  However, I could definitely use it on those hills we come across sometimes!

This is how it works – – it has a small electric motor on it that can either help you pedal, or go all by itself.


Even though it was not such a nice day today, we still walked the beach in a fairly stiff breeze that came from a generally southernly direction, which served to churn up the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.  We enjoyed our afternoon walk, even in the fog and mist!

Again with the snakes! Where are they??
This odd formation was all over the beach today.
It’s sand!
Blown into little whisps by the dampness and breeze.
Very cool!
Awww . . .
This log was the perfect place to sit and watch the waves!
I put this picture in from two days ago, so you can compare!
Sure looks a lot different than the other day!
And also from later today on our way back!
The tide here only changes about 2′, but because the ground is flat, it comes pretty far up the beach.
There’s a lot of great architecture along the beach, and really large houses.
Blaine liked the one in the back with the green roof.
I was drawn to this unusal house. : )
Isn’t this gorgeous?!?!?
It’s a piece of coral I found that Blaine placed on a piece of driftwood to photograph.
This was an interesting find today.
Blaine added to it. : )
Ok. So feather-pole aside, this is still an unusual picture.
Do you see why?
This place was eNORmous!
Flowers by the beach!
That’s a road in and out of an allotment.
They still use it, because we saw a car on it. Yikes!
Another handicapped parking sign . . . .
Hmmm . . .
Look how close the water gets to these houses!
This is where we turned around.
On the way back.

Afterwards, I returned to my laptop.  😊

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