HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR GRANDSON, CODY!! Cody turned 7 today! He’s the creative thinker in the family and like his two brothers is super intelligent! You best be careful what you say to him, because he remembers everything! 😊
AND ALSO TO OUR GOOD FRIEND BRAD!! Brad’s our ‘camping’ buddy, when we can drag him away from his remodeling projects. He loves working with his hands!
It’s Sunday and today I want to share something I’ve been studying. I had one of those “Ah Ha!” moments the other day – you know – when you’ve read something in scripture before, maybe many times, and then one day it speaks to you? And you feel really stupid because you never quite got it before and it seems really clear now? Well, maybe you haven’t, but I do that fairly regularly. . .
This is from Matthew 13:24-29, 36-43 – The Parable of the Weeds. People, including me at times, always wonder why God allows evil to remain in the world. This parable does a lot to answer that question. He allows the evil (the weeds) to grow alongside the wheat (good) until harvest (when Jesus comes back) because if the angels (harvesters) try to pull out the weeds, they may inadvertently pull out some of the good as well. Better to let them grow side by side until the wheat is ready for harvest and then it will be easier to separate them and remove the weeds.
For me, this not only explains it, but it also allows for hope for those who have yet to commit their lives to Jesus. If He removed the ‘weeds’ some ‘wheat’ would be lost, and as I Timothy 2:4 says, God “wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
Isn’t He wonderful!?!?!
Church this morning was at Cedar Spring Baptist Church at 8:30am. They also had an 11:00 service, but we prefer early. The service was a bit different, as the worship music was entirely performed by the worship team. They never once asked the congregation (of about 40?) to join in. I did see some people mouthing the words, but couldn’t tell if they were actually singing or not. We sang quietly on the ones we knew, trying to develop a spirit of actual worship. The message was from the last chapter of Daniel and ended a series on the book. I was expecting something very enlightening as the Pastor had all these letters after his name, but I gleaned nothing. Maybe it was my attitude?
They have breakfast and Bible Study between the services. A nice gentleman invited us to stay for sausage gravy and biscuits (YUMM!), but we declined. We didn’t feel quite that comfortable – or hungry. 😊
The rest of our day was spent – –
Truthfully, I’m writing the rest of this 5 days later and neither of us can remember what we did! There are no pictures to prompt our memory!
Oh! I got it now! Blaine watched sports and I baked all day! I made Mississippi Mud for my brother-in-law, brownies to go into the Death By Chocolate for Thanksgiving and replaced our chocolate chip cookies! Whew! I remember being really tired by the end after slaving away in the kitchen all day! (Remember that Rice Krispie Treat commercial where the woman threw flour in her face to make it look like she worked hard? 😊)