Torreya State Park, Bristol, Florida
Today was a travel day. Not much else – other than cleaning and laundry – because it was a 3-hour drive – in the pouring rain. Poor Blaine!
Blaine thought it was funny that I had the sweeper hose wrapped around me, but it’s necessary because that thing is really heavy!

Blaine thought it was funny that I had the sweeper cord wrapped around me, but it’s necessary because it’s so heavy!
We’re over towards the end of the Florida Panhandle, near Tallahassee. There are only 25 sites at this Park, but signs say they’re all reserved. Blaine chose our site based on what he saw on Google Maps and reserved it quite a while ago, and is ecstatic because it’s just about the only one where we could pick up satellite signals! We’re blessed because our dish is pointed right between two trees!
The sites here are very close together. Unusual for State Parks – at least the ones we’ve visited. But we pulled in so we’re facing the woods instead of the bathrooms. It also helped the satellite reception. : )

This is our front yard

I walked down a bit because it looked like a trail. It wasn’t.

See the concrete slab? That’s the neighbor’s!
Also, the bikes are just off the road.
Not much room here.

This is a view from the observation deck they have at the turn in the road.
It’s hard to tell, but you can see a long way.

Hmmm . . .
Think we’ll wear boots when we hike.
Almost everyone here has a Florida license plate. These Floridians are heartier than I would have given them credit for! Temperatures range from lows of 26-30 to highs in the low to mid 40’s to 50’s. I’d think they would be freezing, but they walk around with little in the way of jackets. Maybe that’s all they own? There are even tent campers here. Brrrrrr! Not me! Not even when I was much younger! Cancel that camping trip! We can toast marshmallows in the oven!
It’s hard to believe we were wearing shorts and walking comfortably in the rain just yesterday.
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