Maumee Bay State Park near Toledo, Ohio is gorgeous as well! We pulled the Jeep for the first time and all went well, except for a few semi’s that wanted to crowd us!
They had a few trails there, but some around the water were closed because they were about to start a controlled hunt. Rebels that we sometimes are, we chose to walk around the lake anyway. : ) (the signs said they weren’t hunting until Sunday)

Near our campsite

One day we walked to the lodge area, but the day Blaine flew his kite, we drove.

Blaine loves his stunt kites! Today was a little more difficult because the winds weren’t as strong as he prefers

A two-mile all boardwalk loop trail with a few side trips you could take

What’s camping without a campfire?
That’s it until Spring when we’ll have to start getting really serious about this! Have a wonderful, memory-filled winter!