It’s November and time for the annual “November Birthday Party”. We are blessed with a lot of family in the Akron, Ohio area and many of them have November birthdays – both Moms, 1 son, 1 grandson, and 2 sisters-in-law. And the other son’s birthday is in October. I gave up trying to celebrate them individually many years ago and just started hosting one big (25-26 person) birthday dinner. We’ve lovingly made and served all the food for, gosh, I don’t know, maybe 15 years??
It sounds like a lot of work, and it is, but so very special. This year found me standing in the kitchen with tears in my eyes as everyone helped themselves to dessert. The realization that this was the last was a little hard for me. I will truly miss it.
Within a week or two from the birthday party, comes Thanksgiving. A month after that, Christmas, both celebrated in our home.
It was also the last time we had to rake leaves! With 1 1/2 acres and lots of trees, it’s always been quite a chore to rake them onto a tarp and drag them to a pile near the edge of the woods.
Many ‘lasts’ as our dream looms ever closer.