Presque Isle, Maine. Very close to the Canadian border. How would you pronounce it? Well, those of you who know French would probably do it right.
The rest of us – – press que. BUZZ! Wrong! It’s actually presk.
We are now at Arndt’s Aroostook River Lodge and Campground. Take a look at our view here! Once again, God has chosen to bless us! When we checked in, the owner told us to take any of 6 open sites, so there is no one close by. Stunning views!

As Blaine said, “This is our front yard and we don’t even have to mow it!”
She told me when they bought the property 23 years ago, it was a failed potato farm (did you know one of the biggest agricultural crops for Maine is potatoes? I don’t think I’ve ever had a Maine potato in my life!) and then when they purchased it, the former owners were growing oats. Jump ahead 23 years and it’s a nice campground. They close camping on October 15th and then rent the former farmhouse and a couple of cabins in the winter.
There are quite a few trails around the campground property – or one long one if you prefer. They all loop around each other.
We took a walk before church this morning and saw some interesting things, including where the owner’s son collects sap for maple syrup.
And then there was this:

Does this look like something straight out of a horror movie, or what???
There was even a creature of some kind swimming across the pond.
This is just a short pit stop for us before we begin the challenge of crossing the border. We’ve heard it can go very quickly and easily, or it can take 2 hours as they search every nook and cranny of your vehicle(s). Sometimes they confiscate stuff – like any and all beef (even McDonalds meals) when the Mad Cow scare was going on in England a few years ago, or vegetables or fruits, etc. Also, according to the campground owners, they have a number every day and every time that number comes up they do a thorough search. (ie, if the number is 72 and you’re the 72nd vehicle, you get searched and then they start counting again)
God led us to a wonderful church Sunday. Presque Isle Wesleyan. The service was inspiring, although the people were not welcoming at all. In a church that size, I’m sure they knew we were visitors. Anyway, great worship music, humorous, obviously loving pastors, and a thoughtful message. The pastor’s style of teaching was more story-telling rather than the expository messages we’re used to at our home church, The Chapel. Still, it was full of God’s love for us and how valuable we all are to Him – even when we think we have no value. He used the example of a table he discovered in curbside trash. It had no value until he placed great value on it, took it home and now cherishes it. Just like us. Often the world would have us believe we have no value. But God views us as priceless. So much so that He paid the ultimate price of dying to save us.