Well, Canada decided to let us in with no problem. It took about 5 minutes to enter at the Limestone, Maine/Limestone, New Brunswick border (how confusing must THAT be???). Blaine only kicked me once for TMI. . . . . I can’t help it. It’s my nature to talk and share. I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now. Anyway, the border guard smiled and talked with us, so I’m sure I only helped things along. 😊
Here are some things we’ve discovered already:
- Speed limits are just guidelines. As are the yellow center lines if the person in front of you is only going the speed limit.
- There are no restaurants. There are a few Burger Kings, lots of Subways and a couple of bars. On our day to site-see south of our campground, we were able to google one restaurant. Their hours are 6-8am and 10am-1pm. It was just past 1:30pm when we were looking for a place to eat. It’s a good thing we’d had free chips! (see “Potatoes”)
- Quite a few people hang their laundry out to dry. (What do they do in more inclement weather? Average annual temps are 30-50F)
- There is a time zone change. We’re now in the Atlantic Time Zone. It’s an hour later here than in Ohio.
- A lot of people put ladders on their roofs. Anticipating Santa????
- Right now, there are only about 3 ½ hours of actual darkness. Kinda like Alaska.
- Everything is far away – also kinda like Alaska.
- They put cemeteries in the strangest places! Like alongside people’s homes (actually the homes are built next to the cemeteries. Their yards encompass it.) and right on the beach.
- Potato farms are everywhere and HUGE.
- The scenery is gorgeous! Beautiful, panoramic mountainous and valley views unobstructed by ‘man-made’ things. There are no billboards, few houses and very little traffic even on expressways.
After only 120 miles of driving from Medway, Maine to Grand Falls, New Brunswick, Canada, we’re at Mulherin’s Campground and have a nice campsite facing a small pond, and for some reason, everyone we talk to around here seems to know about it. “Oh, are you staying at Mulherin’s?”

View of our campsite from across the pond
Here’s something to tickle your funny bone – once we arrived, Blaine overheard a young teen girl at the pool ask her mother, “Do people in Ohio speak English?”