Remember when I told you they have cemeteries by the ocean?
In keeping with the graveyard pictures, I’d like to post an obituary of my own. It was a very sad, sad day . . .
July 16, 2017
We are deeply mourning the loss of Red Dressing.
Red served us well for many years, bringing great taste
to all our salads, as well as many of our guests’,
for the past 30 or so years.
Originally birthed in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
by Blaine’s grandmother, Pearl Peck
he went on to become adopted by us.
He would come together in large batches,
filling the largest bowl before being
transferred into smaller containers and
frozen for long-term preservation.
Unfortunately, we could all see his end
drawing neigh when we sold our freezer
thus losing the ability to store him.
Today marks the end of his long and
illustrious gift of goodness.
Red will surely be greatly missed!
In honor of Red’s memory (and Pearl’s),
we’ve opted to share the secret of his success.
3 C. vegetable oil
1 ½ C. vinegar
3 C. sugar
1 bottle (36-40 oz.) Heinz Ketchup
3 t. salt
3 t. paprika
1 ½ t. garlic powder
6 T. lemon juice
1 large onion (approx. 2 C.) , finely minced
32 oz. Russian or other dark red salad dressing
Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Pour into individual containers and freeze all you are not currently using. Must set at least 24 hours before serving.
Just as I finished writing this, we were blessed with another memorial! The greatest sign of hope ever given!

FYI – I did nothing to enhance these pictures! I can’t possibly improve on something so perfectly created by God!
It actually lasted over an hour!! 7:10pm-8:26pm!!