Apparently, I slept through a rip-roarin’ storm last night! Blaine said it was bright, loud (with thunder and rain) and shook the coach.There was enough rain to soak the ground and cause one of our jacks to sink in a little. So much so, it set us a bit off-kilter! Guess I’m still a heavy sleeper. (He used to have to wake me when the kids were babies. lol) I’m just sorry I missed it!
It was cloudy and predicted to rain today. Well, the weathermen here are no better than the ones in Ohio. The clouds cleared out about lunchtime and it was a beautiful, mostly sunny day!

Just a really cool cloud! They have these a lot around here and New Brunswick.
Anyway, after the long drive (287 miles – the longest one yet), the windshield of the coach badly in need a good cleaning! We decided we might as well do all the windows. When it comes to cleaning, living in a motorhome is like cleaning your house and detailing your car all at the same time. Blaine had offers to do other coaches, but he respectfully declined.
After our chores were done, we packed a light lunch and headed out.
First stop? The information center just down the street. We were fortunate to get a woman named Bethsheila who told us all about where to go in Cape Breton – including some ‘off the beaten path’ things. Can’t wait to get started tomorrow!!
Close by, is the Alexander Graham Bell Museum. He spent a lot of time here in Baddeck. We had absolutely no idea what all he was involved with! More things than I can remember! Not only the telephone, but advances in communication for the deaf (Which was his first love. He met his wife while he was teaching hearing impaired kids), flying (in fact, Baddeck is the birthplace of aviation in Canada), hydroplaning, kites, genetics (studying why some people live longer than others), and sheep. Just to name a few! And you thought all he did was call Watson on the telephone.

Lunch View
Taken at the Bell Museum. See the lighthouse?

It was such a great view, I took three!

Close up of a ship that went past the lighthouse while we watched.

The reconstructed “Silver Dart” that they flew in 1909
And the museum was free because this is Canada’s sesquicentennial (150 years), so all the national parks, monuments, museums, etc. are free for 2017. Yeah!!