It seems we are frequently able to find all these ‘out of the way’ places to explore! Well, technically we didn’t actually find this place. The woman at the info center told us about it.
It’s called the Red Island Trail and it’s kept by the people in the community of St. Ann’s and starts at a local church. What started as a nice hike through the woods, ended spectacularly! And we spent about 2 hours, alone on a rocky beach at trail’s end.
Before we got to our destination, Blaine took us down this dirt road in search of . . . well, who knows what you’ll find on dirt roads??? Our lunch view at the end of the road wasn’t the best, but on the way back, we spotted a fox crossing the road! Mammal wildlife! Yeah!!

Lunch Views
And the past two mornings we’ve spotted bald eagles here and there.
I don’t usually talk about weather, but Blaine’s a big weather guy and he’s thrilled that our weather has been practically perfect in every way! Low 70’s almost every day, bright blue skies with puffy white clouds, and low humidity – which is good for both of us because heat bothers me, and humidity bothers him.
So, back to our hike for the day . . . .
Through the woods . . .
At first, we thought this was the end of the trail. Hah! Then we noticed a skinny trail to our left and off we went – exploring.
We ended at this rock strewn hill, and up we went.

The end of the trail, but not the end of our experience!

Looking from one end . . .

towards the other.
Immediately, my boots came off! I’d rather be barefoot anytime, but Blaine wouldn’t wade with me. : (

I added this just to give you an idea of how many rocks were here! And they were deep, too! Where in the world did they all come from??
We walked up and down the beach – mostly to explore what might be around the corners. And Blaine walked up to the top of the rock piles, but in my barefeet I had to stay in the sand.

Here’s what he saw from up there. A big lake. Looks like moose waters to me . . . . if in fact there ARE moose around, like everyone says . . .
This was towards our right. We didn’t go all the way around the corner though, because the other direction looked more interesting.

This rock wall is actually about 15′ high!
Here’s the view toward the left.

Heading toward our goal

Can’t help myself. Sometimes I just want ‘artistic’ pictures.
This is why I could never make it as an artistic photographer tho. : )
But aren’t they pretty?

Closer . . .

It’s a river! Being barefoot, I was able to get in it, but these rocks were VERY uncomfortable and slippery!

Blaine’s river views – since he had shoes on
We had seen this big tree and decided to sit there to eat an apple. My feet kinda hurt and I managed to talked Blaine into retrieving my shoes . . . .

That’s him, waaaay over there by the curve. But he’s still not there yet!
I didn’t think they were that far away! I felt bad, so I took off to meet him partway.

This is how they mark where the trail starts.
If they didn’t do something, you’d never find it!
We assume these are all things that washed up here at some point.
Wow! What a find! Thanks Bethsheila!
We decided to take a short (and by short, I mean VERY short!) ferry ride to get back home. It cost $7 Canadian and saved Blaine about 30 minutes of driving that winding, Cabot Trail road.

Yep. That’s it. That’s all the further we had to go. We were halfway across just boarding the ferry!
Before we got back home, we stopped and walked around downtown Baddeck. Sorry I don’t have pictures, but it’s just a quaint little town with shops.

Here’s a picture of the dock. That’s the same lighthouse we took from the Alexander Graham Bell Museum.