Today we visited Kejimkujik National Park/Monument. The one in the center of Nova Scotia. It was about 45 minutes from home. Nice drive. Little traffic. This National Park is also designated as a National Monument and it’s the only one with both designations in all of Canada. It encompasses 156 square miles, making it just a bit larger than Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Ohio.
We hiked and paddled there today – hence “arms and legs”. Wonderful weather! Wonderful day!
We started with a hike or two. They have several, although the one we were most interested in was closed due to bridge work.
It was supposed to go to abandoned gold mine. Hey! Maybe we coulda found some! Anyway, that wasn’t an option. For being in the middle of the province, the trails weren’t very challenging. We were expecting the possibility of some hill-climbing, but that wasn’t the case. But there were some nice walks.

These are bulrushes. We call them cattails in Ohio.
We had no idea they were the same thing.
So Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses in the cattails. Somehow it just doesn’t sound right . . .

This nice calm water is just before the waterfall around the corner. Surprise!

The foam here reminded us of the hurricane photos on The Weather Channel. : )
Then we headed to the Kejimkujik Lake and put in right on the swimming beach. They had told us at the info center that was an option. The actual dock place (Jeremy’s Landing) was REALLY busy when we went there.
In the calm and peaceful morning
In the middle of a lake
Sits a kayak and two people
With adventures in their wake
On the hemlock-tinted water
‘Round green islands large and small
The kayak wanders aimlessly
With no time constraints at all
Mersy River feeds the lake
It’s beauty too, sublime
Bulrushes, trees and grassy banks
Can take one back in time
The Keji, as they call it
Is a lovely gift from God
Explorations filled with wonder
On both the water and the sod
And yes, I spelled the river right. 😊
Then lunch.
On the back side of a little island.
Time to head back.