The title pretty much sums it up.
Blaine drove a hard several hours to get us to this spot yesterday – Old Shipyard Beach Campground. WOW! What a wonderful place! The ocean was right out our front window! Sometimes the water was far away, sometimes close enough we could almost touch it from the far side of our picnic table! So beautiful here!
And there’s a restaurant (not affiliated with the campground) right at the entrance. My, Oh, MY! What wonderful food they had! I’ll get to this in a later post.
We spent our first afternoon just taking in the serenity. Sitting and watching the water (again! 😊). I actually saw a whale flipper! Blaine missed it, but he saw the splash when I cried out. Then nothing . . . .
There’s an island we talked about kayaking to. It’s Spencer’s Island, from which the town derived its name. We never learned the story of how the island got its name. The owners kinda put the kibosh on our kayaking idea though, when they said not to go to the island, but stay close to the shore instead. They said there are whirlpools and rip tides around the island and it’s not safe for a kayak. ☹
I immediately liked the place so much, I had Blaine talked into staying a few extra days. They had room and we could keep our site, but the next place in Prince Edward Island has a 7 days advanced cancellation notice. Darn!
So, we were pretty lazy our first full day. This place seems to bring that out in us. It’s probably a good thing though, as little did we know, we needed all the rest we could get to face tomorrow . . .
We checked out our beach at low tide . . . .

See the coach?

Spencer’s Island is the round one
Checked out the lighthouse at the entrance to the campground . . . .
Took a short drive, just to see what was around us. Turns out, not much. : ) Boats and a bicycle in dry-dock because of the tide.

Don’t know what the story is with the bike anchored to the beach, but it would be completely submersed during high tide.
Sat back and enjoyed our campsite the rest of the day . . .

View from our front window.
Have you figured out how slow today was yet? : )

Nearing high tide

High Tide
Ahhhh . . . rest child, you have no idea what’s coming . . .