. . . . Or did we? After yesterday, today was supposed to be an easy day. You know. To let the old(ish) bodies recuperate. Ha!

Our site as seen from the road going into the campground

A pine tree where we were taking the picture of the coach was absolutely LOADED with these!
We had seen a sign advertising the Cape d’Or Lighthouse. Dirt road going that direction, so we figured we’d just take the Jeep out and see the lighthouse.
Well, that was all well and good, however . . . .
Once we got there, there were trails. The only way we knew this was because there was a sign on the outside wall of a ‘make believe’ lighthouse. It showed three trails.
The first was a walk in the park – short and easy. Just what we needed to get moving – but not too much. 😊 There were even a couple of nice views.
The second (according to the map on the wall) was supposed to head off from the opposite side of the parking lot. We looked around and found some gravel that seemed like the start of a trail, but wasn’t. We didn’t spend a lot of time looking.
The third was a trail down to the actual lighthouse. I thought the views from the parking lot were just fine. Blaine wanted to get closer. Do you see how far down that is?? Ugh!

The view of the lighthouse from the parking lot. Yes. It’s a long way down there. Yes. We went down there. The choppy water out there has a name. “Dory Rips”. It’s a particularly strong rip current that is most prominent during the hour before a High or Low Tide.
Steep and VERY rocky. There’s actually a restaurant down there. They put a sign at the start of the trail – “Come on down!” Wonder how many people actually do? They should provide a Jeep taxi service. I’ll bet they’d have more business. Unless, like the old yellow pages TV ad, they have all the business they want?
It was really nice once we got there, so I’m glad we went, and going back up wasn’t as difficult as we anticipated. Maybe because we’d limbered up going down and then climbing on the rocks.

We made it down!

This is a cormorant. We call it a ‘swimming bird’. The first time we ever saw one was at Niagara Falls. They float on top the water like a seagull, but then suddenly dive under and are down for a really long time!
So now we’re back and still looking for that elusive trail. We didn’t see anything else, so we took a dirt road, even though it seemed to be in the same direction as the first one. We saw no other possibilities. We walked, and we walked and found some scat on the road from some critter who obviously didn’t bother to chew their food, as there were whole blueberries in it. But then, we found this view!

Our reward from the dirt road!
And even though we never found the trail (we suspect erosion of the cliffs caused them to let it grow over), we were happy campers!
Back home, lunch, puttering a bit and then we decided to take a walk on the beach since it was just about low tide. The goal was to get to the spit across from Spencer’s Island. It was a lot further away than it looked! But it was so incredible to see up close how high the tide comes in here!

Blaine is actually standing! That’s how tall this rock is that will be covered in water at high tide!
A couple of places we had to walk on rocks which wasn’t quite as much fun, but we had our water shoes on, so that made it do-able. Barefoot? No way! Even though they’re round, they’re still hard as . . . . well . . . as rocks. Ouch!

This rock was my goal. If you look closely, you can see Blaine. He was tired of fighting the rocks and decided to stay behind and wait for me. : )

Here it is! Spencer’s Island!
As close as we’ll get to it . . .
Including a quick dip in the chilly water, we were gone about 2 ½ hours. We were surprised it took us so long! But we had nothing else pressing – except dinner.
Dinner. Ho-ly Cow!!! We ate at that little restaurant at the campground, Beach Cafe. We weren’t too sure about it, but the location couldn’t have been more perfect, so we decided, albeit a bit reluctantly, to give them a try. We saw seafood chowder on the menu and decided to try it as an appetizer. Mouth wateringly wonderful! As was the ‘biscuit’ that came with it. We’ve never had anything so good! Even though we were all the way from Ohio, the chef wouldn’t give us his recipe – for either one of them. Darn!!
Just as we were thinking “We shoulda just had bowls of chowder instead of sharing a cup” (which was really more like 2 cups), the burgers and fries we ordered came. By far the best burger and fries we’ve ever had! How does he do that??? I think we were probably drooling because we used a lot of napkins.
The leftover fries even reheated well! You know how, when you save ‘em and try to reheat in the oven and they’re never quite as good because they’re limp or hard? Not these! They were almost as good as the original!
When we left, we saw a sign we hadn’t noticed before. It was all about the weird disappearance of the ship Mary Celeste. It didn’t say on the sign, but we’d heard somewhere that this was the idea for the movie “Ghost Ship” from 2002. I remember watching it, but don’t remember much about it, except that I kept thinking it would get better. It never really did, but I also remember that I liked the ending! (not in a ‘Gee, I’m glad that’s over’ way, but a ‘Wow. I didn’t see that coming!’ way.)

OUr last look at Spencer’s Island.
Cloudy, cool and rainy.
What a difference from when we arrived!
This marks the end of our stay on Spencer’s Island. Spectacular campground! Magnificent scenery around the area!