The morning we moved, we woke up to dense fog. We couldn’t even see the water! Beautiful around the pond though!

I detest spiders, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the beauty they create.
We didn’t do much today. We didn’t even leave our site until around 11:30am.
Then on to St. Andrews-By-The-Sea Campground. Voted ‘Best Destination in Canada’ by USA Today in 2017, the town of St. Andrews-By-The-Sea or just St. Andrews, is a wonderful place! The campsite was great and the town only a few minutes’ walk and such a marvelous and historic town, I can see why it won!
After a 3 1/2 hour drive, we set up camp . . . .

I had a devil of a time finding our sight number as Blaine waited patiently!
All the others I’d seen were painted on the utility pedestal!

Our new front yard! That’s Maine across the water!

Get a load of this set up!
Cracked us up!
And people would stop by and chat, making it look like the king and queen reviewing their subjects. : )
. . . . and walked to town to look for dinner. Can you believe we actually ate Chinese? We hadn’t had any for a very long time! It was really good! We knew it would be since the lady that sat us spoke broken English. 😊
Oh! I almost forgot! On the way to town, we passed several houses and 2 deer! The deer didn’t seem too concerned about people on both sides of the street, until . . . a couple with a large black dog came up. Things were still fine, though, until the dog decided he wanted to give chase. It was like one of those old cartoons where things run in place until they finally get going? That’s what one of the deer did in the street. Quite funny!
That’s it for today! After yesterday’s lengthy post, I think we all needed a break!