I guess I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Actually, I went to bed on the wrong side, too. Every once in a while, Satan tries to mess with my head . . . and worse . . . I let him.
I wasn’t grumpy so much as a bit depressed. I know. I have no right. But I was frustrated about a few things and missing a few things and people and I let it happen.
Poor Blaine didn’t know what was wrong, so he couldn’t ‘fix’ it. I didn’t know myself. There was absolutely no reason for it, and I forgot to recite the verse I tell myself (paraphrased) when this has happened in the past:
Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, or admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think on these things. ~ Philippians 4:8
He went for a long walk and left me to sulk. Here’s the pictures he took along the way.
In the afternoon, he managed to get me out to kayak over to Navy Island. That perked me up for a while!
The tide was low, so we had to carry the boat a bit to get to the water. The air was cool, because it was overcast, but not rainy. Just kinda dismal to match my mood. There was no breeze so the water was glassy smooth. Perfect for kayaking!

This gives you an idea of how far we had to portage!

A close up view.
Can you spot our home?

That’s seaweed poking it’s head up in the rising tide.
Navy Island is not inhabited, although we did see an abandoned house through the trees from the water. We couldn’t get to it from the land though. Sounded like a great place to explore! So we headed to the left side today – to the grassy area we could see from our site.

A view of Navy Island from our site.
This is a different day – sunset and high tide.
See the clearing on the left? That’s where we entered.
It didn’t take long, but we had to navigate around some rocks since it was low tide. Once there, we pulled the boat up and parked it. I mentioned that the tide was on its way in and that it seems to come in faster than you’d think. Meaning, I wanted to carry the boat further inland. Blaine didn’t agree. So we left it in our usual way – 1/4 to 1/3 on land, and off we went.
We walked up the hill avoiding all the scat (and there was a lot! I think this clearing was a critter toilet!) and all around the tip, spotting some kind of fishing apparatus and something swimming in the water. We first thought it was a seal, but after watching it, it seemed more likely to be a large otter. Too far away to tell for certain, though.

I don’t know if you can find it, but the kayak’s down there
Then we decided to head into the woods. But guess what? Blaine spotted the kayak drifting. Fortunately, it wasn’t going anywhere, just sitting in the water, so he was able to retrieve it easily and bring it up some more. It’s nice being right once in a while. I think maybe he let me, just to make me feel better . . .

These pictures were obviously taken before he took off after the kayak, but it’s pretty much what happened. : )
So, back to the woods. There was kind of a trail. We heard and saw an osprey. They really don’t like it when we show up! They make all kinds of noise until we walk away.

This tree was enormous! We tried but we couldn’t catch the top of it!
We explored as much as we could until the foliage got too thick, then headed back. The return path was a bit shorter now that the tide was coming in, and we stopped a couple of times to let larger vessels pass before we cut across.
Tomorrow, we take on the streets of St. Andrews.