Get Me Outta Here!    11/08/17

After staying indoors all day yesterday and Saturday, I was getting stir-crazy.  This place is pretty big, but not big enough.  Two rainy days of staying cooped up, and I was desperately in need of fresh air.

Still overcast and a bit misty this morning, and pretty cool – temps in the low 40’s.  Honestly, I don’t mind the cool temperatures, and I really don’t mind the overcast, as I’m certain I have the opposite of “SAD” (Seasonal Affective Disorder – where people get depressed without sunlight.  I actually get more irritable with too much sun.  Put that in Ripley’s!)  But rain keeps us indoors – unless we happen to get caught in it.  😊

So we drove ½ hour to the town of Elkin and the WalMart where we did some grocery shopping for the next week.  Then made a last-minute decision to have lunch at Taco Bell.  I know, right?  Of all places!  But it sounded good to me and sometimes, Blaine likes to indulge me.  : )  I really miss Wendy’s though!

By the time we got home and put groceries away, it was brightening up a bit and we hit the trails.  Yeah!!

We didn’t take many pictures as the trails looked pretty much like the ones before – relatively flat, wide, leaf-strewn and gorgeous!  Even without sun!  Plus, I forgot my phone and Blaine doesn’t take all the ones I want.  But today, I snatched his from him a couple of times, or placed my order.  😊


Like for this –

I don’t know what kind of tree these leaves come from, but just look at the size of these things!
Must be the ones Adam and Eve wore. : )


And this –

And this –


And this –

This was at the side of the road on our way home.  Widow’s Creek.


We stopped at another gigantic rock called Wolf Rock, where we sat and took in the almost silent beauty God created.  You know, He didn’t have to do that.  He could have made everything dull.  But He knew how much joy it would give us, in addition to pointing very clearly to Him.  Thank You, Lord!!

Here’s an example of why it’s important (at least to me) that I have my phone.  We were on this beautiful rock with stunning views all around . . . . and he only took one picture!  I even asked about a specific one and he said he took it.  Turned out, he didn’t.  So here’s the one we have.


As we hiked, there were glimpses of Stone Mountain, but only through the trees.


We saw 3 deer, two different times – probably the same 3!  But not close enough or still enough to take a picture.

We took a detour on the way home to check out a waterfall that was near the road – Widow’s Creek.  With all the rain, it was really nice!  We sat on a rhododendron branch by the water and just soaked it all up (No, not literally)!  I love waterfalls and babbling streams!

Widow’s Creek Waterfall

Back home where it was time for dinner and for Blaine to make me look younger!  😊

On the way, he gave me a choice – he would help me with dinner, or drive to ‘The Office’ to order us a signal booster.  No contest – get in that Jeep!

A herd of deer Blaine saw on the way.
They’re in the field by where we’ll hook up when we leave here.


We’ll pick it up at an Amazon delivery spot about 40 minutes from our next stop.  Oh, how I pray it works!!

After a night of rain, they’ve promised us the end of the rain and clearing skies for tomorrow.  But lows in the 30’s!!

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