Torreya State Park, Bristol, Florida
We awoke this morning to 21 degrees with a 13 degree wind chill, 52 degrees inside, ice on the inside of the windshield (between the glass and the shade), one frozen water line,
and . . . .
A Mouse!
I woke up this morning at 5:30am and heard skritching. After a minute, I asked Blaine what in the world he was doing. He said, “Nothing.” He was laying quietly using his phone. Hmmmm . . . .
And then, when we were getting breakfast started, Blaine saw it run across the floor and scoot under the fridge. Of all times for our critter repellent to be turned off!
After breakfast, I discovered he’d been enjoying our mint-flavored floss. Of all things!
Blaine had to go to town (such as it is 😊) and find a mouse trap. It’s one thing to take ladybugs with us, it’s quite another thing entirely to transport and support mice!
And I realized this morning that we missed wishing our niece a happy birthday on the 7th! We rarely get the calendar out anymore, so I just completely missed it! I’m so sorry!
Other than the mouse, we had a relatively quiet day – Blaine made more reservations, I picked threads out of new visor. (It said “Stephen Foster” on it. I didn’t want people to be confused. 😊)
We walked about 2.5 miles this afternoon.

This was our main destination – Weeping Ridge.

A random tree with interesting bark

When there’s nothing else to take pictures of, we’ll opt for anything even remotely interesting!

When Blaine took the sign picture the other day, he didn’t realize the cluster of small trees there were the actual trees.
So now, it’s official! : )
When we came back – – – the trap was sprung! Blaine insisted I put the picture on here, so this is the warning for the faint of heart. DON’T SCROLL ANY FURTHER if things like this make you squeamish.
Year to Date: 54.5
Daily Average: 3.2