Torreya State Park, Bristol, Florida
We have two birthdays to celebrate today! Blaine’s brother-in-law and a very good friend. We’ll be sure and eat some cake in your honor!
So. Adventure. I was thinking about that yesterday while we were hiking and realized that my earliest memory was when I was about 4-5. I remember racing my tricycle with other kids (on purpose) down our street in Clarksville, Tennessee, turning sharply into our driveway and stopping suddenly at the culvert where I went tumbling over my handlebars and down onto the rocks. It earned me a trip to the Army Hospital and a scar on my forehead, but didn’t deter me.
When I asked Blaine what his earliest memory was, all he could come up with was a trip out West when he was about 9. While I think taking 3 young boys on a long road trip in a station wagon definitely qualifies as adventurous for his parents (remember – no technology to keep them occupied), I’m not sure it does for him. 😊
However, when he was older, he’d take lone road trips on his bicycle (map included of course!) and later on his motorcycle. He also had several run-ins with robbers and a carjacker (who took him hostage!) as a teenager. And yet, I still married him! Probably because of that. : o I remember him sliding down hallways, doing crazy things with his friends and coming up with fun ideas. He’s also told of sleeping outside on picnic tables (alone) as a kid.
My childhood adventures include (but are not limited to), climbing as high as possible in trees (especially on windy days!) and apparently falling out of one or two (that part I don’t remember, but it never stopped me!), fighting with the boys on the playground and in my front yard (probably why I had to find a boyfriend at another school!), taking a Greyhound bus several times to downtown Akron (by myself) and spending the day, unintentionally ‘drag racing’ down a street in Hartville, throwing a live snake into my aunt’s house full of her friends . . . . .
I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Some of you are probably thinking, “I never would’ve guessed!” I think this is why this lifestyle appeals to me. It’s an almost constant stroke to my adventurous side! I never know what the next day will bring and I find it all very exciting!
As adults, Blaine and I have embarked on many adventures together. Just to name a few, there was camping with a motorcycle and pup tent, white-water rafting, zip-lining and raising two sons with the freedom to explore their own adventurous side. (aka – not freaking out when they wanted to jump off the top of the swing set, etc. 😊)
Wonder what tomorrow will bring?
Turned out, more like, what will today bring!
I wrote the above early in the morning, just after breakfast, and before we discovered that the TV lift was busted! Many of you may not remember, but our television rides a lift – up when you want to watch, down when you don’t. When it’s down, there’s a window behind it. I prefer it down, because being able to see out of this home on wheels is very important for me. It’s one of the things I loved most about our house – lots of large windows!
So Blaine spent hours and hours trying to fix it. Then he spent hours trying to at least get it up high enough so we could watch it, because it only works if you can see the bottom. Otherwise, you’d have to stick the remote down into the hole (or maybe under the table?). It’s times like this when the knob-turning-good-old-days are missed! I felt so bad for him! Not at all how he’d planned on spending today.

This is when he started out.
Note the nice comfy sweatpants?

When he gets serious, the jeans come on.
Reminds him of work, I think. : )
How do you like my nice “carpet”? Colorful, huh? : )
Of course, it was his own fault. He’d bragged, just this morning, “It’s Saturday and I don’t have any chores to do!” God sure has an odd sense of humor.
I passed the time reading about where we’re headed this summer, talking to a friend for an hour and a half as I walked around the campground. (Gotta log those miles, ya know!), and taking a couple of pictures. There wasn’t much I could do to help him until it was time to clean up.

This guy has been hanging around us all week.
He especially likes our side-view mirrors.
The cords belong to our neighbors in the cabin right next door.
The lift still isn’t fixed, but he was able to stabilize it in the “up” position. Heaven forbid we have go a week or more without a TV! We’d miss the “Amazing Race” and “This Is Us”! (Not to mention football play-offs!)
We move on Monday. Hopefully there’s a good RV ‘fix it’ place near our next destination, because there sure isn’t one around here.
Year to Date: 64.5
Daily Average: 3.25