O’Leno State Park, High Springs, Florida
I have no idea where the trail we took today got its name. Paraners Branch. It was just shy of 7 miles by the time we got home, so it was a good little walk, but not a lot that was picture-worthy as much of it looked the same. Still, there were lovely and interesting things to see!
But before we get started, take a look at these real-life snowflake pictures our oldest son, Chris took at work! I’ve seen snowflakes like this in pictures, but never in person! Aren’t they amazing evidence of a wonderful Creator God?!?!?!
I apologize to almost all of you, but honestly, I wish I was there in the snow! I miss it!
Let’s get walking!

A culvert under the road.
Woohoo!! : )

This trail had quite a bit of Fall color on it!

Prescribed fire

Nice trail, huh?

Blaine’s back in his element!!

Take a look who it belongs to – – or at least maybe who it USED to belong to . . .
Right by his leg . . .

More color!
We see gator and no swimming signs all over down here, but no gators. (no swimmers either.) : )
Oh! Look! There’s one!
It was across some water on a little island.
As soon as Blaine took a step towards it, it skeedaddled outta there!
Man are they fast!
This next stop was probably one of the most interesting places today. There was no sign, so we have no idea what it was called (or maybe no one’s named it ??). Anyway, there was obviously a spring bubbling up, but as it did, it made all these whirlpools! It reminded us both of the “hurricane maps” on The Weather Channel. : )

You can’t tell from the picture, but this was a pretty deep hole!

OK. Here’s the actual spring

Guess we’re Staff for today!

Look at these teeny-tiny flowers – – right in the middle of the road!
This road abruptly ends at the river.
Blaine was checking Google Maps to get his bearings, as I looked around for something else to take a picture of. I liked the tree. Blaine was standing there. I got a two-fer!
Back to the trail and home.

There’s one of the alligator signs I mentioned.
There’s apparently a very large barbershop quartet/group convention/gathering here at O’Leano. We hear men practicing almost everywhere we go, including the campground. Nice sounding! They’ve rented all those cabins we saw when we first got here the other day, and signs are now up prohibiting anyone else from entering the area.Good thing we explored that area when we first arrived! 😊

We just loved this sign!! LOL!
Tonight’s meal was Italian brats over an open fire. However, when I got ready to open the package, there were no brats! It was ground meat, like hamburger! I was ready to put it in the freezer to use in something like lasagna, but Blaine (ever the fixer), said, “Let’s just cut it in brat-shaped pieces and eat it like that.” Well, of course! And they were good – and even better because there was no casing! Sorry. No pictures.
And now, it is with great pleasure, I present to you, the life of a campfire.

I’m sorry I didn’t catch it in time to get the very beginning.
The fire starters my mom gave us for Christmas work really well!
The next morning.
Year to Date: 130.5
Daily Average: 3.26