Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park, Okeechobee, Florida
I’m going to try something new (if I can remember to continue it). I’d like to take a picture through our bathroom window every time we move. It’s the largest one that’s not marred by a screen. Well, except for the windshield, but that’s often covered with bug spatter and dust. . . .
So here’s today’s view.
Nice, huh?
Kissimmee – pronounced Kiss-SEM-ee by those in the know. We got on our bikes today and checked the place out a bit after stopping at the Visitor Center to get information.
The volunteer working the desk told us about a trail (the Prairie Trail) we could take that’s for pedestrians, but she said we could take our bike on it, we just may have to walk them occasionally because of the sand, and if we wanted to make it a five-mile loop, we could take Military Trail back. She also told us to keep an eye out for Stumpy. He’s an alligator that likes to hang out by the side of the road, so called because part of his tail is missing.
We started out fairly warm. When we ended, we were HOT! 86 degrees today! Thank goodness there were some clouds!
It really was a terrific ride, though! We passed and stopped to speak with Stumpy. Although on second thought, maybe it wasn’t him because this one didn’t seem to be missing any of his tail . . .

Stumpy? Is that you??

Here he is a bit zoomed in
The scenery made us feel like we were in a whole new world! It was beautiful in it’s own way, just as I thought! God is so creative to give us all these unique places and things!

These are ibis.
The sun was behind them, so we weren’t able to get a good picture.

Doesn’t that look like the wheat fields out West?

A lone sandhill crane

About to enter a palm tree “oasis”.

Very cool – literally and figuratively!

Don’t know what these are, but they were growing all over this tree. Pretty!

What’s left of a red-shouldered hawk.
Some feathers and one bone.
Visitor Center told us it was probably taken down by a barred owl.
That’s the same kind we had in our backyard in Ohio!

Just trying my creative photography.

This is what I was looking at.
There were fish jumping, but they were too fast for us to get a good picture.

We’re now on the Military Trail. This part was actually not bad to ride on.

Hey! There’s a gator!
And he looks like he’s smiling!
Happy to see us?
Or is that a diabolical sneer and he’s happy to see us?

He’s about 6-7 feet long

There were these birds that we could see from the road. They had been flying.
We wanted a picture.

Blaine clapped.
It didn’t really work.

But then, I suggested I ride down the road a bit because that seems to be when they take off.

It worked!
So we spot a gator and slow to a stop because he’s close by the road. Blaine says, “Step up there a little closer and I’ll take a picture.” Silly me says, “OK!” So I inch forward.
Blaine says, “A little closer.” So I do it because I listen to everything Blaine tells me, like an obedient wife should. 😊
Until the thing gets up on all fours and starts moving towards me! Slowly, yes, but moving nonetheless!

Notice I’m leaning back a bit . . .
Not TOTALLY insane.
We stand perfectly still and quiet.
He lays down again.

A good 7-footer
Blaine says, “Just an inch or two, and I can get a good picture.” Stupid me does.
Now I think the gator’s getting ticked because not only does he rise up and move forward, but he’s hissing!

That’s it! I’m done! Trust me, it’s closer than it looks!
I moved back and put my bike between us as I said, “I certainly hope you got your picture!”
Gator went into a culvert under the road.
Near the end of our ride, the Military Trail started having more and more loose sand. This became a perfect storm for me – – heat, exertion and hot flashes overwhelmed me and I started feeling it to the point I had to stop in a small patch of shade for a few minutes.
It was too far to walk our bikes, so after I cooled down a bit, we headed out again until it just became too hard for both of us to ride. Fortunately, we were close to the Visitor Center by then and were able to walk a bit.
Our stop at the visitor center brought us up close to a rafter of turkeys!
Back home, we hadn’t left the air on in the coach. Ugh! It was cooler outside because of the shade of the palm trees on our site and a steady breeze. I sat at the picnic table and worked on the blog some and Blaine sat in his chair doing . . . ?? on his ipad. He went in after awhile and left me out there.

The crows around here don’t seem to care if you get close.
Just not TOO close!
With the stillness and the empty chair, a beautiful bird took possession of it! It was a rich, sable brown color with a long beak. I tried taking a picture, but it blended into the chair too much. I looked it up to see what it was.

Carolina Wren
After dinner as the sun was preparing to set, we drove down to another trail area we’d spotted earlier. After walking a short distance, we came to a bench where we could sit and watch wildlife and the sunset for a while. It was beautiful!
So peaceful here! Here’s a video:

And a rainbow!

He’s watching you . . .

We start to walk away and Blaine says, “Look! Those are the bones of those who’ve gone before us!”
Silly boy! Always making me laugh!

We spotted a few deer, even though they were pretty camouflaged.

The other side of the road, opposite the setting sun.
What a wonderful way to end our day!
Year to Date: 137.5
Daily Average: 3.19 (day 43)