Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park, Okeechobee, Florida
Happy Valentines Day!
This is love; not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. ~ I John 4:10
We took a short walk early this morning and on our way out of the campground, we passed the now overflowing dumpster. “It’s a wonder the crows don’t get into it.”
As we returned, there was a crow. Pulling things out the back and dropping them on the ground. 😊
We’re driving to Blaine’s little sister’s home in Jupiter, Florida this morning. We haven’t seen Sandy and Eric for quite a while and were supposed to be spending more time with them.
But that was before we discovered we had to book reservations in Florida 11 months in advance (Eleven because that’s the earliest you can do it!) The closest we can get is a 2-hour drive! So all we have with them is about 6 hours. Until next year. Hopefully. If we can get a reservation. There’s a place that’s only about 15 minutes from their house.
Blaine’s mom and dad are there, too, so we were also able to visit with them and Eric and Sandy’s younger son, Adam and his family were able to make it. Unfortunately, their older son, Ben and his family couldn’t. I think it’s been 10 years since we’ve seen their boys, who are about the same age as ours.

Sandy and Eric have this picture in a collage at their entryway.
That’s Ben, Adam and Kyle! Holden Beach vacation. Must have been middle school – looks like their “awkward years” to me!
Wish I had a picture of the three of them now so you can see the difference!
I promised to bring a chocolate cake. After I made that promise, it dawned on me — I have no way to transport it! Eventually, I decided to bake the layers (yes, it’s a layer cake) then once cooled, I put wax paper in the pans and put the cakes back in them and covered with foil. I put the icing (yes, also homemade) in a coolwhip container and away we went!
While I was slaving away in the kitchen baking a cake and icing from scratch, Blaine went on a lone bike ride and got in 3 miles of exercise, while I sopped the bowl and indulged in chocolate for about an hour or so.
He came back with 2, count them, t-w-o, pictures which really only count as one because it’s the same thing.
He says he saw about 20 of those baby gators, but they scrambled into the water before he could take a picture.
We were almost later than we planned to be at our destination because we arrived at a train crossing just as a train was passing through.

That’s sod in that truck in front of us
And then we had to follow a deere for a while.
And since we did, here’s a very brief history of how those green deeres got started.

One of the world’s most recognized corporate logos, it’s been their’s for more than 135 years.
It’s the longest continuously used corporate logo of any Fortune 500 company.
Trademarked in 1875.
We made it just in time for lunch. Sandy was going to leave work early and join Ron & Joan and us, but she got tied up at work and wasn’t able to leave. ☹

Waiting to see if Sandy will join us for lunch
Lunch plans were already made, so four of us loaded up in the Jeep and went in search of Dune Dogs. I’m expecting…. well, I’m not sure what exactly, but it wasn’t what I found. First of all, the place was absolutely, totally packed! There was one parking space left in this fairly large lot. I’m not kidding. One. There were people standing everywhere. I was pretty sure Blaine would drop dead before we got to eat. Maybe me too. But they told us the wait was only 15 minutes. And it was about that.
Open air, picnic table eating. Lots of menu choices (not just hot dogs). Ron had a huge burger, Joan and Blaine had the fish sandwich which was twice the size of the large bun, and I ordered “sea dogs”. I thought it would have something like a fish stick in a bun with some lettuce and cheese. I wanted to eat a bit light because I knew there’d be lots of food for dinner! Well, it wasn’t exactly light as you can see from the pictures!
We weren’t back long before Eric and Sandy came home! So good to see them! Here’s a few pictures of their home. (you shouldn’t give me idle time . . . I spend it taking pictures)

This plaque by their front door cracked me up!!!
Especially considering all the house plaques we’ve seen in recent months. : )

Only hers? What about the rest of us? : )

This canal is in their backyard

A little blue heron that I startled for a minute when I walked down to the dock.

Their neighbor. They’ve had some problems with them having late night parties in the past, but I think all’s well now.
We changed into swimsuits and lounged around the pool for a while, then Adam, Jessica and their daughter Eliana showed up. It was just a lazy day, reuniting and reminiscing.
Dinner was scrumptious! I thought it was the best lasagna I’ve ever had! Blaine didn’t think so. He still likes mine, which I suppose is a good thing, but . . .

Joan brought her old tea set to give to Eliana.
I’m certain she’ll enjoy it more in a few years. : )

There’s the cake!
The recipe is on the back of the Hershey’s Special Dark cocoa box.
Try it! You won’t regret it!

Here’s the clan – at least the one’s that were there.
Eric, Sandy, Jessica, Eliana, Adam
Ron & Joan
Soon it was time to go. The two hour drive was difficult for Blaine – some night blindness and fog, made it a bit disconcerting. As you can see, we made it home ok. 😊
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