Highlands Hammock State Park, Sebring, Florida

This morning’s view.
A little more congested over here!
Incredible worship once again! This time at Bible Fellowship Church in Sebring, Florida. It’s less than 10 minutes from the campground. As we approached, we were pretty sure Blaine had chosen wisely once again. The parking lot was full and overflowing onto the grounds, but it seemed they were used to that – people stationed all over directing traffic, lines on the grass and sand, cars parked behind the trees and other cars – indicating staff parked there to free up space. . . .
They squeezed our Jeep in so tightly between two cars, if I was any fatter, I would have had to crawl out the back! In my dress and heels! Wouldn’t that have been a sight!
Inside, we were greeted warmly by several people. Seats were more like theater seating than pews, filled with a sea of gray, with some brown sprinkled about. I’m guessing at least 350 in attendance. The sanctuary was almost completely full.
Before we get into the good stuff, I have a question. What happens to this church when most (I’m assuming) of these people head back north out of the Florida heat? I’m guessing, even by some of the Pastor’s words, that many are snowbirds. How differently a church down here must have to minister at different times of the year.
Anyway, back to the service.
Music was wonderful and varied and the gray-haired group sang right along, loud and clear! The musicians (about 7-8) were gifted and at one point, the man next to me told me that one of the women singing was only eighteen and the drummer was blind. God gifts everyone with something, then uses all who are willing!
The pastor, Todd Patterson, asked people in the congregation for verses that had meaning for them and in seconds he had several volunteers. And a person somewhere who immediately put the verses up on the screen so all could read along. We thought at first it was staged because those verses came up so fast, but quickly discovered they weren’t.
The message today was based on Matthew 9:27-38. I recently did these verses in my own personal study. I was excited to see what I’d missed!
He focused on the fact that we are here to help spread the gospel. That these verses offer proof that Jesus was Who He said He was – Messiah. They’re proof because His actions are prophecy fulfilled. The prophecy being found in Isaiah 35:56 which mentions the blind, deaf, lame and mute being healed. It’s important to note that Matthew was writing to the Jews. They would have recognized this.
But mostly the pastor wanted us to think about why we’re here. Especially in church on Sunday mornings. It’s not supposed to be about us – having social needs met, doing ‘good things’, or because we’re ‘supposed to be here’. It’s supposed to be about gaining support and strength as we go out and take/share the good news about Jesus with people, every day.
The mute man in these verses was brought, not sought. He was demon-possessed. His friends/family brought him to Jesus. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that those who are mute, or don’t know Jesus are demon-possessed. That’s not the point. The point is, these people cared enough to bring someone to Jesus who didn’t yet know Him. He wasn’t interested in knowing Jesus – – at first.
Then the pastor took a short side trip to talk about demon possession. True believers can not be demon possessed. The reason?
- because the moment we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are immediately indwelt with the Holy Spirit. There’s no room for demons. We are sealed! “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the Holy Spirit…” Ephesians 1:13
- because the Holy Spirit is greater than Satan. “Greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world.” I John 4:4
Back to the lesson.
Jesus’ instruction to His followers is to be a witness.
And then the pastor said something that I think convicted everyone there. Or should have.
He mentioned the recent shooting where the young man shot and killed 17 people at a school in Florida. “Where were all the Christians in his life? All those in his community? Were they too busy? Were they out shopping? Playing golf? Watching TV? He was a tormented soul and yet no one noticed? Or did they? And they chose not to speak to him about Jesus? Why not? Because they were busy? Because they were embarrassed? Because they found him intimidating? Because he wasn’t ‘their type’?”
Whoa! I think that hits most of us, doesn’t it???
And now, I have a confession of my own to make. I confess my reluctance and/or fear to talk to others openly about my Lord. It’s easy here in the blog. I don’t have to look at anyone. My excuses? I don’t have to think about their response. There have been too many years of believing my relationship with Jesus is personal and private. Too many years of being concerned what I will look or sound like if I speak up. Too many years of convincing myself that ‘someone else will’.
Even in my home. Even with my sons and grandsons. I’m convinced I haven’t done enough. I haven’t made it OK to share our faith with others, so they don’t feel free either. God help all of us who feel this way. Help us to release our fears and speak as freely about our faith as we do any other thing we like/love – dentist, doctor, sale, sporting event, good friends . . . .
We still have time between church and today’s momentous move and the start of the Daytona 500, so we decided to take a walk.
It’s just after noon. It’s the heat of the day and the trail we chose was probably not the best idea we’ve ever had. It was hot (upper 80’s). It was cloudless. There was no shade. There was nothing. For 2 miles. One way.

Even the trail pictures look almost identical . . .

It didn’t show up in the picture, but the bark on this tree was not just red like normal, it also had these blue-gray squares as well and looked a bit shiny! Like jewels or something!

Close up of the ant hill.
Look at all the different grains in there!
Today’s move was to site 102. I can’t count the steps, because it would take me through two back yards, but it’s certainly not any further than the last move.

There’s where we’re headed. Right there in that open place with the picnic table.
The Daytona 500 was won by Austin Dillon. Blaine’s pick, Chase Elliott, was included in an accident during lap 101. He had a lot of fun texting during the race with his good friend, Jason! They speak ‘NASCAR’ better than I do. 😊
I’m mostly interested in going to Daytona Beach and driving the Jeep on it. You can still do that!!
Quiche and salad for dinner in front of the TV. Would you like the quiche recipe? (check out the end) It’s Blaine’s mom’s. We usually eat it on Christmas Eve at their home. Today, we found we can eat it any time! Glory be!
After the race, Blaine went for a 2 mile walk in the semi-dark, while I finished up February 13th’s blog post. It’s so hard to get caught up once I’m behind!
1 – 9” pie shell
8 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
1 C. sour cream
1 C. Swiss cheese, grated
1 C. French fried onions
3 eggs, beaten
¾ t. salt
½ t. Worcestershire sauce
Prepare and bake the pie shell. Mix together remaining ingredients and pour into cooked shell.
Bake at 325 degrees for 30 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.
I make my own crust:
1 ½ C. flour
1 t. salt (use this)
½ C. oil
2 T. milk
1 ½ T. sugar
In a medium bowl, combine all of the ingredients until the mixture holds together when pressed between your fingers.
Press into the bottom and up the sides of a 9” pie pan.
Pre-bake or fill, then bake as recipe dictates.
I love this crust recipe because it’s so flaky and light and easy, but doesn’t make good cinnamon rolls. It kinda ‘melts’. (why??) My mom’s, however, makes the best cinnamon rolls, outside of Cinnabon of course! 😊
Year To Date: 147.5
Daily Average: 3.01 (day 49)