Plague Of Frogs!     2/28/18

Highlands Hammock State Park, Sebring, Florida


Ok.  So it wasn’t exactly a plague.


But we DID have a frog on the shower door this morning!  How in world did it get in?  And why???

First thing this morning, I rinsed my face and turned to dry on my towel, and there it was!  A swift inhale (because I’m not a screamer 😊) and then “Oh my goodness!  Blaine, you need to get in here!”  And then I burst out laughing.  “And bring your phone!”


Eventually, we stopped being in awe and Blaine scooped him up in a plastic cup and carted him back to his natural environment – outside.

What a great way to start the day!

Now, had it been a spider, things would have gone much differently . . . . .



It’s cooler today!!  Hip-hip-horray!!!!  Only a high of 82!

This morning we took the bikes out for a spin and repeated of some of the trails we’ve already enjoyed.  The main agenda?  Looking for water moccasins along the Richard Lieber Trail.  It was my idea.  I know.  I may not have many friends left when we get home in May.

This old tree and the way they tried to save it fascinates me. I don’t know why . . . .

Oranges and blossoms

This fallen double trunk was enormous!

Life from the dead

I’ve never seen a palm tree growing ferns on it!


We found one!  I was hoping for more, but that’s all the good Lord provided, so I’ll take it!

Can you find the snake?

You have to have a keen eye when you’re out in the wild!


This time ‘round, we smelled orange blossoms along the trail!  And there they were!  Right along with the oranges now!  They weren’t there previously.  We would have seen (and smelled) them.

Orange blossoms!


On the way back, Blaine stopped to take final pictures of the prescribed burn area because he noticed something surprising, while I stopped in at the Ranger Station and asked about the oranges and the frog.

He said he could still feel some heat emanating from the ashes. Take a look what’s happened in just seven days!

Wouldja look at that!


The oranges on the trees (at least here in the Park) are leftovers from the previous season and the orange blossoms mark the beginning of a new season.  If that’s the case (and I’m sure she knows what she’s talking about), I’m surprised that’s true for the groves though, simply because we’ve seen a lot of oranges on the grove trees around here.   Strange they’d leave them.


And then there’s the frog.  Turns out it’s a Cuban Tree Frog.  Turns out, the Park Rangers don’t like them.  “You coulda just killed it.”  He said emphatically.  “Oh, I don’t think so.  It’s at site 84 if you want to come look for it.”  “We’re trying to get rid of them.  They’re not indigenous and they eat the other tree frogs that are.”  He told me as he turned his book around for me to read about it.  I didn’t take the time to read.  I just took pictures.  When I told Blaine he could’ve killed it.  He looked at me with raised brows, “No.”

Looks just like the one we had!


After our ride, we returned to do paper/computer work.

I had blogging to try to catch up on and Blaine had reservations for next summer to make.  He’s really struggling with our trip around Lake Superior.  Campgrounds for us are few and far between.  I’m certain it will be worth the effort once we get there!


Pot Luck again tonight!  We took cauliflower salad this time. (recipe at the end if you’re interested)   Once again, it was a wonderful evening.  I spent most of the dinner talking with a single woman who sat across from me.  Blaine talked with the entertainment for tonight, Aidan and Christine Quinn who form the group “Friction Farm” (odd name . . .). They were even better than Ray from last week!  They wrote all their own music and had a tale to tell about the origin of each one.  Some were quite funny!  Two in particular that I can remember about why do people look like their dogs and two people trying to live in a tiny apartment in New York.  They had a couple of more serious ones about travel and things, but all were very good!

Blaine says they’ve traveled all over the US and some other countries singing.


And I finally did it!!!  As of 11:13am on March 1st, I finally got caught up on the blog!  Now if Blaine will just post them . . . .



1 head cauliflower, cut into florets

1# bacon, crisped and crumbled

¼ C. red onion, finely diced

6 T. Miracle Whip

¼ C. ranch dressing

2 T. sugar

2 T. parmesan cheese


Mix together the dressings, sugar and cheese in a large bowl.  Add remaining ingredients, mix lightly.  It’s better if it sits for a few hours or overnight.




Year To Date:  166.5

Daily Average:   2.82

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