Harrison Lake State Park, Fayette, Ohio

I neglected to include this picture yesterday!
This is the ball commemorating when Blaine’s dad, Ron pitched a perfect game in 1952!
He was in high school. He could have gone on to pro ball, but chose family instead. We’re all glad he did!

The new view from our bathroom window
I figured there was more than enough to read yesterday, so I didn’t include our drive to Fayette. Besides, there wasn’t much to say. It was an easy, low traffic drive through a whole lot of not much that took us about 3 ½ hours and dropped us off on the west side of Toledo. And we saved about $35 by not using the turnpike! That’d buy us dinner out, but there’s nothing around here. In fact, the only grocery store is a little local place. Still, the Park is really nice. I’m constantly reminded of snow as the cottonwood flies around, however Blaine doesn’t much care for that analogy. 😊

This is what most of our drive looked like.

Small town along the way.

Driving through the town of Fayette, Ohio.
The address for our campground.

There’s quite a bit of this kind of thing around here. : )
Our first full day living back on the road was spent with Blaine doing some odds and ends and watching the Indians game outside and me working on the blog for about 6 hours. Sounds like a long time, but hey! I thought that was pretty good, considering I hadn’t been on it for a month!
About mid-afternoon, we took a ride around the Park. It didn’t take long, but it was nice. 😊 The paperwork they gave us showed a 3 ½ mile trail around the lake, but it turned out to mostly be on a road. Fortunately, traffic is really light (as in, almost non-existent) around here.

This is the picture I took. : )
This Park is really quiet. Ahhhh……..
Except for the rumble of lawnmowers on occasion. There’s a lot of grass to keep up. But I don’t think we’ve ever been in a friendlier campground. I don’t know if it’s because we’re on a corner lot, or what, but we had no less than six visitors today – and by ‘visitors’, I mean that people stopped and talked for more than a couple of seconds. The host even walked over with his granddaughter and took a seat. 😊 It was nice visiting with everyone.
And this was the oldest boys’ last day of school!

He already had his “graduation” ceremony. Today was just a “play day”. : )



