Harrison Lake State Park, Fayette, Ohio
This spot is pretty boring for blog posting, but what a wonderful, restful place! We’re still just chillin’! I spent the first half (or so 😊) of the morning working on a couple of computer projects. I don’t know what Blaine was doing, but when I got up and announced I was taking air, he opted to join me.
I should’ve gone by myself.
We ended up walking the 3 ½ mile trail – yep, we found it! That was fine and dandy, except for 3 things.
- I was wearing sandals because I was expecting mostly flat, asphalt walking.
- We had no food. I was getting hungry because my cup of cereal was just about digested by now.
- We had no water. Our salvation here was that the Park has several water fountains along the way, and the water was actually cold and as an added bonus, didn’t taste like lake water. Ahh! Refreshing!

They have these nice sitting areas scattered around the Park.
This one happened to be a swing. Very nice!

Some kind of clover?
I checked. No taste.

All this time, we’ve been thinking that these brown things were the pine cones growing, but it seems that it’s new growth of pine needles instead!

The letters across the water say “Harrison Lake”

This tree was huge!
And, based on what we saw, we think it’s a Cottonwood.

You can’t really tell in the picture, but there’s “cotton” up there amongst the leaves.
It’s the first time we’ve ever actually seen the fluffy stuff in a tree.

About half the walk today was like this.

Along the way, they had signs up – – way up – – the trees to identify them.
I guess Blaine was overcome with curiosity. : )
It’s a Sugar Maple.

Harrison has really nice shelters, as well.

Yessss!! We’re saved!
Anyway, eventually, we made it back home, no worse for wear.
Later in the afternoon, we decided to go check out the town of Fayette. Well. That didn’t take long. If you want to eat out, you better like pizza. There’s two places. And nothing else.

Downtown Fayette
We needed a couple of things from the grocery store. Another interesting venture. We were expecting small, but this was. . . . well, I don’t know exactly what it was. There were no shelves. The high-priced groceries were sitting (nice and neat, mind you) on palettes on the floor. The deli items looked extinct. The bananas were beyond extinct, as in – – almost totally black. But they could’ve been ours for a mere 79 cents a pound! We didn’t buy anything. Groceries will have to wait until our next stop on Saturday.
Churches consisted of Methodist, Nazarene and Catholic.

The Methodist Church
Built in 1905

The Catholic Church
No date anywhere that we could see.
There were some interesting buildings,

That’s the fire station on the end
and we walked past a (probably only) police officer and the fire chief who were on opposite sides of the street.
There’s just lots and lots of open farm land around here, only 15 miles from Michigan and about 30 miles from Indiana. Bet they get to watch some terrific storms!
That’s our adventure for today!