Wagon Trail Campground, Rowleys Bay, Wisconsin Peninsula
Well the rain carried over from last night into this morning.
Blaine had had it with being cooped up in here, meaning that he was tired of not being able to get outside whenever he wanted. Even though yesterday was a good day.
And I was tired of the mosquitoes everywhere we went around this campground. If we went into town, it seemed to be fine, but around here? Ugh!!
So when he proposed a walk after the rain stopped, I turned him down. I just didn’t feel like dancing today, nor did I want to perfume myself with Deet and have to shower again before dinner. (we’re going out for Father’s Day dinner tonight 😊)
So Blaine went solo. He even took some “Terri-worthy” pictures!

Incredibly, he said the mosquitoes weren’t attacking him today.
Maybe they were all beaten down by the rain.
One can only hope. . . .

Now THAT’s a Terri picture!
Good job, Hon!

Prospecting for potential kayaking areas.
I stayed home and, what else?, worked on the blog. Including the Special Edition piece on the washed out roads.
He chose “Wild Tomato” for dinner. It’s a wood-fired pizza place in Sister Bay. We got to eat outside! Yes! The weather was perfect! We ordered a half-and-half pizza: half works, half grilled mushrooms and onions. The pizza was excellent, though the works one was better. The only criticism we had was that amazingly, if you can believe it, they use too much cheese. Now, don’t get me wrong. We love cheese! We’d make great Wisconsinites! But this was a bit much.

Someone sure does outstanding murals around Door County!

This was an interesting bit of information they gave us with our menus.
Of course, the fact that we’d just consumed a bunch of breaded and deep-fried cheese may have contributed to our opinion.
Yep! You read right. We ordered a Wisconsin special we kept hearing about – – cheese curds. Now cheese curds come all kinds of ways, but this place fries ‘em. Think mozzarella sticks . . . . only not. These are little clumps of white cheese. And it’s not really mozzarella, but kinda like that. They batter them in something like you’d see fish battered in at Arthur Treacher’s, and they serve them with salad dressing that’s kinda like Ranch . . . but not quite. Now that you’ve read this wonderful description, makes you want to run right out and get some, doesn’t it? 😊 They were really good, though!

Deep fried cheese curds!

They gave us a postcard with our check.
Our server said we could take it home, or fill it out and mail it from the restaurant.
Cute little something extra!
We took ours home because we weren ‘t sure who we’d mail it to.
Was it you? : )
After all that cheese, we really needed to get walking. So here we are, walking the streets of Sister Bay again, and down to the marina. It turned into a simply superb day!

Where’s his hat?
Have you ever seen him outside in the sunlight without it?

Ohhh! There it is!

There were several sailboats in the Harbor tonight.

All different sizes!

Now there’s something you don’t see in a bathroom stall every day!
This was in a City building at the Marina.
The really amazing thing? There were no goats on the roof today! I don’t know why. It’s Monday, and it’s only 4:45pm. At first, we thought maybe the restaurant was closed on Mondays, but people were going in and out – just not as many as we’ve seen previously. So either the goats went on strike, or they took a vacation day.