River Park Campground, Menominee, Michigan
Yep. It’s a nod to the best TV series ever created (in our humble opinion), which by the way, starts it’s third season on September 25th. But mostly, it’s just because I couldn’t come up with a creative name for today.

This is us . . .
in about 20 years! : )
We spent most of the day doing oddball things – lots of paperwork, clothes shopping (which was a bust), and believe it or not . . . more grocery shopping! Between yesterday and today, we’ve spent over $150! How many people are we feeding?!? Who’s gonna eat all this stuff??
While we were out, we went to The Blue Bike Burrito for lunch – in Wisconsin. In the town of Marionette. The Blue Bike is kinda like Chipotle, but small town. Very good!
After a small lunch of tacos, we walked around the historic section of town, but I know nothing about what we’re looking at.
After dinner, Blaine wanted to go out. I know how his after dinner jaunts go, and I suspected that since we didn’t really hike today, he’d want to walk about three miles. I just didn’t have it in me. So he took off in the Jeep for parts unknown and I stayed home.
After a while, I got a text of a video he took at the lighthouse.
The waves were really rolling! Fun! I was a little sorry I’d missed that, but not enough to regret my decision.
A bit later, I got a call. “There’s live music downtown, do you want me to come pick you up?” With a sigh, I acquiesced and changed clothes. But before the music, he took me for a walk to the lighthouse walkway to see the waves, which I enjoyed immensely!
It was a girl “band” (the Sapphires) singing karaoke to 60’s music.
They were actually not bad! And the setting – the city park – was nice as well. Just a little cool and breezy. For us anyway. There were more rugged people there wearing shorts and T-shirts. Me? I was in jeans, a heavy shirt and a hooded jacket – with the hood up.
We enjoyed the music for a while, then headed home for the day.