Munising Tourist Park, Munising, Michigan (Upper Peninsula)
We felt much better this morning after our long day yesterday, than we did after our long one two days ago! Still, we took the morning to get some things done. We worked on choosing our “Anniversary Edition” pictures, Blaine greased the coach slides and washed the windshield, I worked on getting the pictures into the blog, and then we both left to go to town, eat lunch and do laundry. Well, I did laundry. Blaine went out sight-seeing around town.
Before laundry though, we stopped at a restaurant called Muldoon’s. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard, but pasties are quite the thing in the UP. We remembered that from when we were here before, but we couldn’t remember eating one, or if we did, whether or not we liked them.
Pasties are a hand-held meat sandwich, and Muldoon’s boasts the voted title of “Best in the UP”. Where better to try one? Plus, they have the added bonus of a bigfoot statue in their front yard!

Here’s what we got!

Blaine poured gravy over his.

I chose to dip mine.
I would have to say that it’s not our favorite food. But they’re not bad. I think a better name for them would be a hand-held potato sandwich, since that’s pretty much what filled it. That and a few carrots. We both ordered the beef one with gravy, but supposedly, to eat it the traditional way would require ketchup. Um. No. Although I don’t know why not. Most of us put ketchup on fries, and burgers, so why not on a pasty? I don’t know, but – no. Besides, the beef gravy made it taste more like beef and less like potatoes and pie crust. 😊
Anyway, the meal came with cole slaw and a drink. Very filling! And good enough that we went back on the way home and bought two frozen ones to have for dinner one night in the future. Plus, maybe we’ll try one someplace else – just to compare. After all, we didn’t have a say in the voting process and we are registered voters. : )

Not the best place I’ve ever done laundry, but it was fast and the equipment worked well.

Blaine found Dogpatch!
It’s a restaurant (I think).
Li’l Abner comics ran in the US, Canada and Europe from August, 1934 – November, 1977.
Honest Abe Yokum, Daisy Mae Yokum, Li’l Abner Yokum, Mammy Yokum, Pappy Yokum, Tiny Yokum (I think), the pig is Salomey, and Shmoos.
I don’t remember Shmoos, but I remember the rest of the cast – including many of the ones not shown here.
My High School performed the play, and I particularly remember participating in the Sadie Hawkins run around the gym! : )
Home to put laundry and pasties away, then off to try to find a close-to-home beach to walk on. Along the way, we found Christmas again! Joy to the world!

They have a “Going Out of Business” sign up.
Soon, Christmas will be no more! So sad!
We found a beach with an added surprise – a park with the remnants of a blast furnace for making iron back in the 1870’s! So now, besides the superb sites, I get to educate us as well!
So interesting! Hard to believe they could get a fire hot enough with just wood! I wonder how much wood they went through? I would probably be shocked if I knew!
We spent the rest of our time meandering along the beach, even crossing a river and stopping to smell (or at least take pictures of) the flowers along the way.

There’s our campground!

Remember the other day when we were surprised to see Mallards on the beach?
Well, here’s an entire family!

What they could possibly find to eat here is beyond me.

He decided to test the waters.
Just as we suspected. It was cold!

There’s been a bit of erosion here.
How long ago, we have no idea.

Just pretty.

Crossing the river to see what’s on the other side.

I don’t know what’s on the other side, but the rocks here sure are beautiful!


Heading back

Blaine’s on one side of the river, I’m on the other. : )

Crossing the river to get back to the beach.

The bench Blaine was sitting on.

Gotta get the sand out of our shoes – and toes – before we move on.
And we were so full from lunch, it didn’t matter that it was dinner time. 😊
No need to be concerned, though. We didn’t skip dinner. Are you kidding? This is Blaine and Terri we’re talking about here!