Munising Tourist Park, Munising, Michigan (Upper Peninsula)
I took another morning view picture today. I could have taken one every day because the view was different nearly every day as people moved out and new ones moved in almost daily. But this one is a bit different. Look close. What do you see?
There were two teenage boys taking up residence in there at night. I think they sleep with all their stuff, too, because the hammocks always look the same whether they’re in them or not. 😊
We watched a news show last night that did a piece on the skyrocketing housing in San Francisco. They say it’s due to the tech industry in the area – companies like Twitter and Google, etc. They showed several dilapidated homes and talked to the realtors about the listing prices. Astronomical! Beyond astronomical! The one that really got us though, was a completely gutted, burned out barely larger than a bungalow on a very small lot that actually SOLD for $1,230,000! And that was $230,000 above list because there was a price war between the potential buyers! Man! I sure wish we owned property there! We’d sell in a heartbeat and make a fortune!
Moving day. We’re leaving this gorgeous area in search of a new gorgeous area. One that may have washed out roads . . . we’ll see . . . Blaine says it’s the move (in just three days) to the next area that was harder hit by flooding.
We were packed up and ready to go. I moved the Jeep out of the way, so Blaine could get the coach out safely, and then I was to follow to our hook up area in a different area of the campground. As he passed me, I started to go and the Jeep stalled. Frowning and confused, I started it up again. It sputtered and stalled. I hurriedly honked the horn because by now, he’s getting further and further away, albeit very slowly at least. He stopped, I ran up and told him something was wrong. He left to go dump our tanks while I waited.
When he returned, he discovered a broken clamp on the gas line. Thank goodness, his middle name is McGuyver! He put a screwdriver to it – in as a wedge, which worked well enough to get us hooked up at least. For towing, it didn’t matter. God was so good to watch over us and keep it together until we were in a safe place, because as you’ve seen, we’ve been in some pretty remote areas with no cell service!
We had a pretty scenic drive today, including a few really small towns as we neared our destination. It’s no small feat to drive this forty-footer through narrow downtown streets – especially when the buildings were put there in the mid-1800’s and people are parked in them! We also had to go around three different tight roundabouts; one right after the other! It reminded me of those ‘teacup’ amusement park rides. It’s good Blaine’s an excellent, alert, defensive and (now) confident driver.

Is this a play on words for “buckaroo”, or do they sell kangaroo burgers here?

That’s close!

Another lunch view

Yum! Wish we could be here for that!

That’s where we were supposed to go. . .
In each of the towns, we had people gawking at us like they’d never seen a motorhome before. We could see it on their faces and read lips as they mouthed, “Wow . .” Funny!
One more thing. We passed a store called Skunk Furniture, to which Blaine commented, “Our deals don’t stink!” Ha!
Oh. And along the way, the gas gauge in the coach stopped working. Fortunately we’d filled up soon after we left, so we were pretty sure we weren’t on empty, but Blaine kinda freaked out a bit when he first noticed it! Can you blame him?
Fortunately, it’s fine now.
As we neared the Park, we drove through a wooded area and we saw a moose! Unfortunately, it was painted wood, but it was the right size and someone had it positioned like it was peaking out around the trees. Cute!
McLain State Park, Hancock, Michigan (Upper Peninsula)
After 162 miles and a little over three hours, we arrived at our new place without further incident. Whew! That is, until Blaine was trying to find the electrical box. It’s waaaaay over, practically in another county! He had just enough line to get us hooked up.

50′ away! He had to use an extension cord. It was just barely long enough.
And then he started looking at the Jeep. He Googled, he made phone calls, he worked on the line with what little he had, he was able to remove the screwdriver. 😊 He even made a short test run around the campground circle. No leaks! That’s my man! If you want details, you’ll have to call or text him. 😊
An auto parts place told him they’d have the new line (or whatever it is he needs) by 9am tomorrow! Yippy!
After dinner, he drug me kicking and screaming on yet another “after dinner walk”. You remember. The kind that starts out with me saying, “Okay. But just a short one.” Tonight it was, “Okay, but just around the campground.” It ended up being over two miles. The campground’s not that big . . . .
When will I ever learn?
Sure, I could’ve turned around at any point. I know that. I knew my way back. But it’s hard to tear away from walking in nature, holding his hand.
Besides, he eluded to the possibility of ice cream. In a fresh, homemade waffle cone, no less.

Ewwww . . . black sand!
It was really coarse too.

They probably don’t need this much since the beach is closed.

Not a great picture of the lighthouse.
The lighting was about as bad as it could get.

Someone left this. Pretty!

This one’s Blaine’s

What kind of treasure do you suppose is there?
We didn’t bring a shovel, or I’da made Blaine dig . . .
The store was closed.
I suspected as much.
Oh well. There’s always tomorrow . . . for dreams to come true. . . .
We weren’t planning on it, but we ended our day with a spectacular sunset! We could see it through the trees, and decided we needed to be on the water to witness it firsthand. We’re sooo glad we did!