McLain State Park, Hancock, Michigan (Upper Peninsula)
We’re just puttered around this morning. Blaine decided to take a bike ride before the predicted rain hit us. I was gathering up things to bake cookies.

Look at that! He took flower pictures for me!

More erosion – opposite of the place we were standing in yesterday.

Here you can really see how the road just dropped into the water.
This road used to be an exit for the campers.
They had to make a new one – well away from the beach.
While he was gone, I got a surprise visit from two teenage boys announcing a thunderstorm warning! Well, that got me wondering “How bad’s this storm supposed to be that they send someone around to give individual warnings?” And Blaine’s out there riding around. When he returned, he said he saw the golf cart, but they didn’t say anything to him. Isn’t that strange?? You’d think they’d especially warn a person out in the open like that.
Fortunately, he returned just in the nick of time! The boys had told me 20 minutes, and they were just about right on the money.
Boy, oh, boy did it move in! It got really dark and there was lots of wind, but not much thunder or rain. But the wind was pretty fierce, though compared to what we experienced on Prince Edward Island, it really was nothing. However, I’m convinced that if we’d had a site right on the water, things would’ve felt a lot different!

Look how dark it is! It’s 10:50am!
I have videos from two different places – one out the side window, one from the bathroom.
I held off on baking, since we didn’t know if the power’d go off or not. Until Blaine got the brilliant idea to run the generator! It was time for the monthly generator run and since there were no neighbors around, this was the perfect time. It has to run for two hours under load, so baking cookies was good. He also turned on the air conditioning in the back then plugged in the portable heater we have up front.
I made yummy chocolate chip and also made a half batch of Valencia Delights. Those are mostly for me, since Blaine insists he doesn’t really like them – or so he thought. Still, half a batch is enough since we now have 4 kinds of cookies in this small place – Oreos (a staple), sugar, chocolate chip and orange. All but the Oreos are in the freezer so they stay fresh until we want one. Plus, if you keep them in the freezer, you’re not tempted to eat a half dozen or so before you stop. 😊
Once the baking was done, I was too. I told Blaine I was taking a nap, so he left – this time walking – because he can’t sit quietly that long. 😊
He came back with no pictures, and was all sweaty and hot. I think we were in the upper 80’s today. In Calumet, it was 90 with a heat index of 97! Good thing we walked the town yesterday! It’s not supposed to be hot in the UP! It was warm enough here, that when we left for a late afternoon walk (together this time), I was wishing I’d put on my ‘stifling hot’ shirt. It’s thin cotton, sleeveless and buttons up the front. It’s the one I wear when it’s stifling hot. 😊

This goes to some cabins they rent. You can’t drive around here, but you can walk or ride a bike.

Nice view that house has!
But then . . . .
Half way along we went from walking in an oven to stepping into a cooler – – instantly! The temperature dropped at least 15 degrees! And heavy fog rolled in! But as fast as it came, it was gone and the temperature began climbing again. Weird weather!
I didn’t take anymore trail pictures because we were walking so fast trying to keep warm!

Of course you can’t tell, but I was covered in goose bumps!
The things we endure for blog pics!
Here’s the recipe for the orange cookies, in case you’re interested: