Little River Casino Resort and RV Park, Manistee, Michigan
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever! Psalm 111:10
There were two rafters of turkeys along the road as we drove to put our kayak into the Manistee River today. After much research, Blaine settled on beginning and ending locations along the lengthy river.
But here’s the catch.
It’s a fairly quick-moving river. That means we can’t paddle back to where we started.
So how do you propose we manage this?
Here’s how it’s done, when there’s no one to pick us up:
We dropped off Blaine’s bike at the disembark location.
Then we drove nine miles up the road to the launch location, unloaded the kayak, blew it up, parked the Jeep and took off.

Better than a gym!

We’re really weighed down today since we have to go so far, and Blaine has to bike back.
We had a wonderful paddle today, with very little effort!

Some type of crane.
How do those branches support those big birds?


Ewww . . .
But look at the size of that thing!

Vestiges of Fall
The video is actually more for sound. It’s Kingfishers screaming at us. You can never get pictures of Kingfishers because they take flight before you’re anywhere near them, but they always yell at you. This time, there were many, and they kept up the scolding for quite a while.

Apparently, they don’t want us over there . . .

These little birds (some type of swallow maybe?) were flying all around us!
I can’t believe I was able to actually capture a few of them!
What a challenge!

They didn’t stay long. : )

We came across this guy just as he caught a salmon.
He reeled it in, then scooped it up in a net. The thing was huge!
I can’t believe I didn’t take a picture.

Turtle on rock
Blaine asked the Lord for an eagle sighting today, and He chose to bless us with not one, not two, but at least 15, in various stages of development!!! There were quite a few juveniles, and four or five adults.

Our first eagles!
There’s a juvenile sitting there too, you just can’t make it out.

The adult took off right in front of us!

Majestically beautiful!

He flew across the river, but still didn’t like us around him and he took off again.
This is video of the juvenile. Wow!

Another adult


A juvenile in the tree

More Fall creeping in

Lunch time!

The cookies don’t warm as well in those stupid red bags.
When we bought new bags at WalMart, we didn’t realize they’re colored – red, blue and green. I hope the other colors absorb the sun better! I miss my hot, gooey, chewy chocolate chip cookies!

We didn’t actually sit at the table, since it was hot and sunny.
Blaine sat on the edge of the back of the sign and I stood.
I was tired of sitting and needed to stand and move around some.

Off we go!

That’s another juvenile sitting in the tree.
Blaine has eagle eyes!

And another

This was a big ‘ol house, but by the time I was ready to take a picture, it was almost hidden behind the trees.

There were quite a few of these old docks. None looked like they’d been used in a while.

Our final eagle sighting.
There were a lot today, and I didn’t get a chance to take pictures of all of them.
Thank You, Lord!
Did you know . . . . . it takes five years for a bald eagle to mature and gain its white head. Males and females look identical, but the females are about 25% larger.
Once we arrived at our destination, about 4 ½ hours later, Blaine kissed me goodbye and took off on his bike. Nine miles, on a narrow two-lane road, up and down hills and exactly one hour later, he found the Jeep where we’d left it, and drove back to me.
Meanwhile, I sat at a picnic table reading my Kindle book, a little anxious for his return because it turned out that we didn’t have cell service, so I would have no idea if he broke down or had an accident, etc. (see, I do worry sometimes!) But I prayed about it, and felt better knowing he was in God’s hands.
We had arrived at 2:15, and by 2:30, I was totally alone with nothing around but an empty pickup truck and boat trailer. That was kinda creepy, being alone out there, even though I usually don’t mind being alone. To solve that, I buried my nose in my book and everything else disappeared. 😊
Until, a wind gust blew my water shoe insert into the river! I really didn’t expect to retrieve it, but grabbed one of the paddles, walked barefoot over sand and stones and slippery gunk and just then, the Lord chose to send it back to shore – right in front of me. Thanks!

He made it!!
Now he just has to load up his bike on the Jeep and drive back to me!

He found this feather along the road as he was biking. Probably hawk.
But my question is – –
what’s he doing stopping when I’m waiting for him??? : )
God sure chose to bless us abundantly today!