Well, it’s December 21st, and I just discovered that Blaine never posted this one!
You just can’t get good help these days . . . .
James Island County Park, Charleston, South Carolina – Part 2
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.
It was a constant, steady, hard, unrelenting rain.
All night long.
And in our home, it’s so loud, that means little to no sleep. Ugh!!
I gave up at 3:30am and read for about 45 minutes, then gave up on that and got out the laptop. I still had one more gift to look for and a blog to work on . . .
One good thing, I kinda like the light-up keyboard.

You can’t tell in the picture, but the keys are surrounded by a cool blue light. : )
By 7am when Blaine crawled sleepily out of bed, the rain had still not relented. At 7:30am we received flood warnings on our phones, with a note that we’d received 2.5 inches in the past 3 hours!

This is our yard and our sewer and electric and water hook-ups . . .

The picture I took of the TV turned out horrible, but you can get the gist of it.
This is the morning commute into Charleston.
Backed up because of flooding.
A lot of people are gonna be late for work . . .
At 10am, it still hadn’t let up and someone came around to unclog leaves from drains.
And I was getting really tired of the constant noise. By 10:30am, it let up some, and rangers/volunteers are still coming around trying to stave off extensive flooding. By 11am we seemed to be down to a light rain and drops off the trees.
It continued non-stop until . . . well, it never did stop . . . the skies dumped a total of 2.95 inches! And more is on the way. It’s already the third wettest December on record, and the month is only half over.
I can only imagine what the streets of Charleston look like today. Good thing we walked the city yesterday!
They actually had to close the Light Festival tonight due to flooding. It’s only the second time in 29 years.
I guess it’s good it was a rainy day. We had a lot of things to do today – – blogging (of course), cookie baking, ornaments, clean up for tomorrow’s move, hair coloring, dishes (lots of dishes!). And somehow, Blaine was able to fit in a long walk.