Lake Louisa State Park, Clermont, Florida
I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. ~ John 15:11
I find it rather incongruous that today’s message began by giving an illustration about people searching for joy – in the wrong places. Did you notice that all the verses I’ve given the previous 9 days contained the word ‘joy’? God can be funny that way! 😊
This morning we attended Real Life church here in Clermont. It’s a very large mega church, we just didn’t know how large! They recently held something akin to The Chapel’s ‘Jesus Prom’, where this church provided the venue for an event hosted by Tim Tebow’s Foundation. (The Chapel does theirs themselves.)
From Tim’s foundation’s website:
Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, entered on God’s love, for people with special needs ages 14 and older. This February 8, 2019, Night to Shine will celebrate its fifth anniversary! On one night, 655 churches from around the world came together to host Night to Shine for approximately 100,000 honored guests through the support of 200,000 volunteers! This church alone had approximately 300 guests!
We (especially me) were not at all happy with the worship portion. Apparently, it’s just not our cup of tea, because there were many people there of all ages who seemed to be truly worshiping. For us, it was like attending a full-blown rock concert. It was all flashing bright lights and music so loud (all the music, not just the bass) that even with my ear plugs firmly in place, I began feeling a bit nauseous. I’m assuming that’s from every nerve, organ and blood in my veins and arteries pulsing uncontrollably. But then it was over, and they served communion quietly, which was really nice! And something our home church can’t seem to grasp the concept of. How are people supposed to pray when there’s non-meditative music and singing going on? But I digress. . .
Today, the message came from their Family/Kids Pastor. And he was a stich! But a stich with a great message.
They are currently in a series called “Say What?”, which is looking at the controversial things Jesus said.
He began with John 14:6, Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Even back then this was controversial because the Jews had a direct relationship with God. Well, sort of. Even they had to go through a mediator, and that was their High Priest. For Jesus to tell them that they only had access to God through Him, was extremely controversial. Blasphemous even. Jesus wasn’t a Levite, and He wasn’t even a Rabbi. He was just a carpenter’s son.
This verse is still controversial today. To many, it seems exclusive, and in today’s American society, everyone talks about inclusiveness. Everyone should be included. Everyone’s a winner. Everything is acceptable. Do whatever makes you feel good. All ways lead to Heaven. However, most of us enjoy exclusivity in our lives. (He then went on to list some Disney references like wanting to be the only one in line, etc. It was very funny! And soooo true!)
Outside of Christianity, every other religion is works based. You have to do something to earn your way. Do this, this, and this, and you’ll find yourself in Heaven, or Nirvana, or whatever. But Jesus says I am the Way.
In the verses following verse 6, Jesus tells His disciples that if they really knew Him, they’d know God. Philip still doesn’t get it and asks Jesus to show them the Father. Jesus questions whether Philip knows Jesus, since he’s been with Him all this time, and He reiterates – if you see Me, you see the Father.
So the question is, how do you get to know someone? (He tells us how when this question was posed to the high school group he was working with, they said, “Instagram!” He said, under his breath, “Ok. Sort of. Most of it’s fake, but ok.”) And this is the downfall of our next generation, because you can’t really know someone unless you spend time with them. Real face-to-face time with them.
And Jesus is also the Truth. You can’t have a relationship with God without Jesus because God and sin don’t mix, and sin is the absence of Truth. Jesus took on our punishment for sin, so we could be free to have a relationship with God. And speaking of Truth, did you know that there are over 300 prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament? And did you know that Jesus fulfilled them all? Including the ones that you can’t have control over – like where you’re born, etc.? There are some things you have no choice in, unless you are the one in control. And here’s some ‘scientific’ information (although who figures this kind of stuff out is beyond me) – – there are over 300 prophecies, but even if there were just 8, the chances of any one person fulfilling 8 prophecies would be like taking the state of Texas and filling it two deep with Girl Scout mint cookies, and one with the icing removed, and then being able to find that one cookie. The chances are 10×1017 power (sorry, can’t help you there), unless you are God. And then there’s the healing miracles and raising the dead, and Jesus Himself rising from the dead and appearing to over 500 people, and centuries of people allowing themselves to be martyred because of their belief in Jesus. And that’s Truth.
If you ask people, almost everyone will tell you they think they’re going to heaven “because I’m a good person”. But what’s the cut off between good and bad? And who decides that? Being ‘good’ is a works-based faith and there has to be a cut off somewhere. The Pastor gave the illustration of a class he took in college. The professor told them if they scored a 95% with all their work, they wouldn’t have to take the final exam. The pastor worked hard and ended up with a 94.2%. The professor wouldn’t cut him a break. And he was angry because as he sat for the final, he looked around the room and saw people who never even bothered to show up for class and didn’t do the assignments. He felt it was totally unfair. But he didn’t make the grade. Close didn’t cut it. Which brings the question – – What if God were like that? Do you get to Heaven and St. Peter looks at your life and says, “Sorry, you said one too many four-letter words. You can’t get in.”?
And so, God provided Jesus. There’s nothing we can do to earn our way. For it is by grace you have been save, through faith and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. ~ Ephesians 2:8-9
The parting words this morning were, “I’ve never met anyone who regretted truly giving their life to Jesus.” Amen!
Today’s weather forecast declared that the rain would end at 12:45pm. It was 12:44! How can they do that?!?
Once the rain stopped, I did some laundry and you’ll never believe what I saw in the parking area there! A bride! The guy she was with (wearing a grubby T-shirt and shorts) was buttoning up her dress for her. I have absolutely no idea, so don’t ask.
The only pictures today are from our spectacular sunset!