Lake Louisa State Park, Clermont, Florida
The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. ~ Ecclesiastes 1:5
What a difference a day makes! We went from mid-80’s to low-60’s for highs within 24 hours! And unbelievably, the forecast for Disney is 36 degrees this morning, going up to 76! What are you supposed to wear?? Glad I don’t have to make that decision! I had a hard enough time as it was!
We stayed in today and, what else? Worked on the blog, researched. And waited for Nick to call. . . .
The only pictures I have for you is yet another unbelievably stunning sunset!

No-see-ums! Worse than mosquitoes because . . . you guessed it . . .
you can’t see ‘um!