General RV, Dover, Florida (near Tampa)
Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. ~ Romans 14:19
First of all, I want to share how the additional problem is being dealt with. I just decided that I didn’t want to include that in yesterday’s post. There was already too much information there. 😊
Let’s review.
We took our coach in for service because our 27’ slide stopped working. They looked at it and agreed and ordered a part, which took waaaay too long to get there. Then we spent the day waiting for them to fix something that Blaine said would only take a few minutes – unplug the old control box (that’s what orders the three motors it takes to move the slide to work together), and plug in the new, and give it a test run. At 5:30pm yesterday, the service department returned our coach and said it was fixed.
We were smart enough to test it before we left the property, and discovered that it wasn’t fixed. What Nick learned was that the slide was fixed (the new control box works), but once the control box was replaced, they discovered that one of the travel locks (the one at the back end of the coach) needed repaired.
We have two travel locks. One at the front of the slide behind the driver’s seat, and one at the back of the slide. These locks are short metal arms that are an additional safety precaution to ensure the slide doesn’t somehow pop out while you’re driving. They’re tucked in when the slide is out, but come out once the slide is all the way in. And if one or both are not functioning, the slide doesn’t work. Extra safety precaution, remember?
Why in the world they sent it back to us saying it was fixed is beyond comprehension! As I said yesterday, what if we’d left there and driven 5-6 hours? Unbelievable! So, as I mentioned yesterday, Blaine asked them to bypass the locks so we could be on our way, which they did.
This morning we met once again with Nick as soon as he got to work at 9am. We signed final paperwork and discussed having the new part shipped to Canton, Ohio so the General RV there can fix it when we come home for the month of May.
But the story’s still not over because now I’m working on getting us a refund. In a nutshell, here’s why. When we first dropped off the coach for the problem to be diagnosed, GRV had us pay for the diagnostic up front. Which we did. But the diagnostic testing is covered by our warranty, so when we asked Nick about GRV reimbursing us, he told us we’d have to get reimbursed from the warranty company.
However . . . . GRV billed the warranty company for the part, labor AND the diagnostic. And the warranty company paid them for everything (except our deductible amount). So when I called the warranty company and they told me to get our money from GRV, I just rolled my eyes and shook my head. Because that helps a lot. This is when my years of office experience kicked in and I asked for a full breakdown of what they paid, so I can speak with GRV with some semblance of intelligence. Next week one day. Because right now, we’re both tired of dealing with this stuff.
The good news today is – – we were able to pull the slide in when we were ready to leave! Hooray!

And the other good news is, since we called our next stop yesterday and told them we wouldn’t be able to arrive until this morning, we didn’t have to wait until 1pm to check in. That means we had a couple of hours this afternoon to play at . . .
Highlands Hammock State Park, Sebring, Florida
. . . . after we bought groceries anyway.
And the slide went out!

We had some time constraint because it’s Wednesday, and at this Park, they have pot luck every Wednesday! This time, I took Anthe’s kidney bean salad. It would’ve been gone if there’d been more people, but the numbers were down tonight. They must’ve got wind we were coming . . .
But that meant better odds at winning their 50/50 drawing. Which Blaine did. It was only $9, so nice man that he is, he gave $5 back to the Park. The volunteers who host these dinners use the money for things like coffee and musicians, etc.
It was a nice dinner, eating good food and socializing – like a church pot luck! 😊 And then we walked home and crashed for the evening – after watching the spectacular moon rise.