Highlands Hammock State Park, Sebring, Florida
Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. ~ I Corinthians 10:24
It was really foggy when we got up this morning. Really foggy! We couldn’t even see across the street!

But it didn’t take long to clear out. As you can see, we have new neighbors this morning camped right outside our bathroom window. They’re so close, we can hear the guy snoring as we brush our teeth. We heard his friend staying in the other tent tell him he needed to have a sleep study. 😊

We’re glad we moving today. Not because of the snoring, but they’re just not great neighbors. They’ve got a little dog they left in the tent barking incessantly while they were out, but close by. And they planted their chairs right next to the truck belonging to their neighbor on the other side – waaay over the property line. When the neighbor said something about the encroachment, they replied that they wanted shade. They were encouraged to find it elsewhere. I don’t blame the truck owners. These spaces are small enough without uninvited guests taking up residence for the day.
So that was our drama for the day. 😊 Time to move on.

Markham County Park, Sunrise, Florida

Birds! Lizards! Parrots! Racoons! Oh my!
After we squeezed into our spot, well, actually before we did that, as I was walking to our spot to spot for Blaine (The English language! No wonder it’s hard to learn!), I heard a ruckus in the palm shrub thing by us, but assumed it was a squirrel. However, Blaine said it was a big lizard that I didn’t see because I was looking the opposite direction at the time it was visible.
But I did see a bright green thing just before it disappeared! It looked like the back half of a medium-sized lizard, and according to the Crayola Crayon color palette, it was electric lime. (Yes, I looked it up.) Completely different from the one Blaine saw. Now, we’ll be lizard hunting every time we go out! We want to see them both again!
Once we were set up, we noticed all kinds of birds flying around. Probably in part because our neighbor has a feeder up, but once we walked around the campground, we noticed there are just a lot of various kinds of birds around here.
Including green parrots! Now that was a real surprise! We spotted at least 6 of them in one tree! I really didn’t think we’d gone that far south . . . 😊

After dinner, we walked the other direction and found a racoon peaking at us from one of the trash bins. They sure are friendly here.

We observed a short-lived sunset as we walked back home.

Oh. Were you wondering about my mention of ‘python country’ from yesterday? It’s because we are literally across a canal and wall from Everglades National Park! We know we can get to the top of the wall because we’ve witnessed bikes fly along it off and on today. Anyway, if you haven’t heard, the Park is being overrun with pythons. They actually pay people good sums of money to catch and kill them. I’ll save the write up until we actually visit the Park. Assuming we do.