Driving The Beach 01/07/20

Galveston Island State Park, Galveston, Texas

Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice.  ~ Proverbs 16:8

Sunrise over the campground, promises to be a wonderful day!
Good morning, Galvaston!
There we are! If you look close, you can just see the water in the marsh. : )

We didn’t do a lot in the morning, but we sure had a busy afternoon/evening!  It was a gorgeous day – sunny and mid-to-upper sixties, slight breeze.

We began by walking about four miles on the beach.  You have to drive to the beach from the Park because, well, it’s just too far to walk.  And the State Park Beach is supposedly closed, but if you drive just up the street, you can get to it just fine.  We couldn’t figure out why it’s closed, unless they’re just talking about the picnic area, but who wants to picnic in January anyway?  Plus, Galveston lets you park on and drive on parts of the beach!  Well, not the State Park section, but other areas.  Wonder how that works in the summer when everyone has their blankets and umbrellas strewn about?  Hmmmmm . . . . .

Driving onto the beach looking for a place to park.
What an unusual experience!
What?!?!? Did you read that sign?!?!? We looked because, how cool would that be?!?
But we didn’t find any. Drat! : )
And yes, it says Jamaica Beach, but that’s where the parking is.
You can’t park or drive on the State Park section.
Driving to the parking area.
And just as the pictures show, there was no one around!
A small flock of Piping Plovers.
Cute, but nervous little things. : )
This log was the perfect place to sit and watch the waves!
Blaine went inland a bit, just to see what he could see. He couldn’t see much.
We think those are picnic shelters.
The last of his exploration.
Flowers on the beach!

Once we returned to where we’d parked the Jeep, we simply had to drive!  I mean, how often do you get a chance to drive on a beach?  Daytona doesn’t count because they charge you for that privilege there.  This is free. 

Oh, what fun!

Once we had our fill of the Gulf, we stopped at a local grocery store for a few supplies and discovered they had fresh Gulf shrimp – pick out your own – for sale, so naturally those got added to our menu for tonight!  Back home, we walked a few trails in the campground.  Not as interesting as the beach, but we still had a good time bird watching.  They were just too far away to take pictures of, though.  ☹

I forgot to mention the enormous plume of smoke! We don’t know what it is, but it went on all day long. We’re thinking prescribed burn, but it was too far away to tell.
Isn’t it funny that there’s a cattle ranch in the middle of all these beach houses? : )
There’s a Texas Longhorn!
Or at least the horns are longer than those we’ve seen anywhere else . . . : )
There’s that smoke again . . .
Well, ya gotta rest your elbows on something sturdy to look through the binoculars!
At least I do. : )

And then, it was time for dinner.  Grilled shrimp (of course), salad and some Cajun kielbasa. They don’t sell that back home in Ohio, but they should!  It was really good!  Oh.  And so was the shrimp!

I thought we were about settled in for the night, when Blaine asked me to consider a sunset paddle.  Well, ya gotta take advantage of that special adventure whenever you can!  So off we went!  The launch area is real close to the campground, but too far to carry the kayak, so we drove over and put in.  The water was so shallow, we had to walk out a bit before we could get into the boat.  Hahaha!

With almost a full moon, it was a very easy paddle in the dark back to the launch area.

What a gorgeous display God chose to bless us with tonight!!  Simply stunning!

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